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It was a nice drive up to Mums' place. Aaisha was nervous as hell, as she gripped her clammy hand with mine. We walked upto the front door and I pressed the bell.

"Babe..." I felt her nails dig into my hand.


"My hand."

"Your hand?"

I lifted our hands up to show her. The back of my hands was covered with her nail marks. "M sorry Matty." She pouted.

"Finally you've made it." Mum exclaimed with excitement. She gave me a hug. This is Aaisha . I've heard a lot about you." Aaisha blushed a little.

"Hello Mrs..."

"You can call me Mum or Denise. No need to be informal love." She gave her an affectionate hug. I could see that Aaisha was trying not to cry.

We took our suitcases to my old room. It hadn't changed a bit except all the posters of all the artists I admired....well still admired had gone. I watched Aaisha look around the room, her eyes taking in every detail, her hands brushing over my white bookshelf with works by Chomsky, Akala and Rumi. She spotted a photo frame on the bedside cabinet.

"I can't imagine you being this cute as a child...she looked at me... your eyes Matty"

I stepped closer to her, "What about my eyes sweetheart.."

"It's as though your boring deeply into someones' soul trying to find out their inner secrets."

"Is that so." I bent down to kiss her face.

"Hey Matty...Oh was I disturbing you!" I turned around in surprise.

I cleared my throat, Aaisha began to giggle. "Hey Louis. Oh no actually." I replied sarcastically.

"Mum just said teas' done when you're ready.... He looked over at Aaisha and smiled. Wow you're beautiful. Big bro has definitely found a keeper!"

"Louis..I gritted my teeth..

"Matty don't be horrible. Hey Louis it's so nice to meet you." She gave him a big hug and Louis poked his tongue out at me.

"I think we should head downstairs before Mum loses her rag." I suggested.

Mum had made my favourite dish bubble and squeak with extras and something for Aaisha which she appreciated. Louis just had Fish and Chips.

"So how long is this hiatus going to last?" Mum asked me as I helped her put the dishes away.

"As long as it takes. I've never been happier since Aaisha came into my life and everyone wants to ruin it for us. That's just pissing me off. " I whined.

"You've never bought a girl home before. This must be serious."

"Yeah Mum it is." I looked over towards Aaisha and Louis who were playing Football Manager on his x-box. She seemed very comfortable with him. I was happy that she was happy being in an environment which she had lost so young in her life. Being around Mum and Louis would help familiarise her to a family of sorts. Shame Dad wasn't around. He cheated on Mum with some has been actress. The bastard. I never could forgive him for that. That's kind of why I lost it  in my early twenties. A broken home can really fuck you up.

"I beat you Louis. I beat you. " Aaisha looked up at me and smiled.

"Only because I let you!" He chuckled.

"Cheeky". She nudged her elbow into his arm.

"Mattys' rubbed off on me!"

"I can see that.: " She giggled.

"Next time we're going to play Wrestling Pro. Let's see if you beat me on that one."

"You know I will."

It had been a long day and I really wanted to sleep. Jamie gave me five missed calls. Adam and George had given me six missed calls each. I'll probably contact them tomorrow. "You must be tired Aaisha."

"But it's still early. I want to play one more game with Louis."

"You need to sleep." I sighed annoyingly.

"Let her play one more game."

"No Louis." I bellowed.

"It's fine Louis. He's right. I should get to bed. " Aaisha got up from the sofa. Goodnight Louis. Goodnight Mum."

"Goodnight love. Sleep tight." Mum called from the kitchen.

My phone buzzed as I entered my bedroom. It was Ross

You're going to regret this. Better watch out.

Fucking hell. I needed to call Mark now to get here.

"Who was that?"

"Ross. The bastards' threatening me now."

"What are you going to do?"

"I've called Mark." I replied as I got into bed. Don't worry. You'll be safe. She looked worried. Come to bed love." I beckoned her.

She just stood there. "I can't Matty." "


"Beds' too small. So I'll ask Mum if I can share her..."

"It's too small. George has slept here!" I exclaimed.

"Matty I don't..."

"Sheets are fresh and clean. Come on Aaisha." She came over to the other side of the bed and climbed in next to me quite cautiously. I shifted closer to her. It's not that bad is it babe."

"No Matty. She kissed me and turned over, giving me her back. "Owww." She screamed as I smacked her arse.

"Sorry. I just couldn't resist." As I rubbed it to soothe the stinging.

"Is everything alright love?" Mum asked outside the door.

"Yes. Aaisha just stubbed a toe." I tried not to laugh, when she he looked at me and scowled.

"Goodnight then you two."

"Goodnight Mum." We said in unison.

Aaisha nudged me in the ribs, but I ignored that and held her tightly against me and closed my eyes.


Somebody Else / MATTY HEALY STORYWhere stories live. Discover now