We Fell In Love

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"Shhhh," she said caressing his back "Whatever it is, a day will come when all of this pain that is tormenting your heart will go away and nothing of this will hurt you anymore." 

Tears still paving down Yoongi's cheeks as he sat with his face hidden into the palm of his hands; regretting, contemplating and questioning the universe, why out of all the days he looked for her, she showed up today. 

"How do you know?" he asked finally looking at her wiping his wet cheeks with his hands. 

"Well. Well you know," she stammered a little thinking whether was it right to reveal this to him. Shaking her head, deciding to go with it she shrugged her shoulders and continued speaking "I.. I have heard you perform once and I... well I.. I thought you were totally cool and different."

A shiver went through Yoongi's spine. His heart raced and he jumped off his seat screaming "What! What did you say? When? Did you hear me? Perform?". He was now standing in front of the bench facing her, his palms and soles sweating. His face throwing a million questions, panicking as he never saw this coming. 

She laughed out loud nervously, held his hand gently and made a gesture asking him to take his seat back.

 " Yes," she said trying to maintain her calm. That answer didn't satisfy Yoongi at all. He needed to know everything in detail. 

"Tell me everything," he said barely managing to sit straight beside her.

"You remember the night I offered you my umbrella? she asked him. He almost gasped at that.

 "I told you I was returning from the local store right." Yoongi nodded heavily. 

"Well as I walked past this restaurant I heard this really catchy tune. I wanted to listen to it more and well I also needed a takeout. So it was kinda a win-win. I ordered my food and came searching inside to see who was it that sounded to cool and there I saw you on the small stage performing your song. You looked so satisfyingly happy. And I.. I don't know if I should say this out loud but I couldn't take my eyes off you." she said with a shy smile looking away a little hoping for some reaction here.

Yoongis face turned red, his cheeks flushed and his stomach churned. He absolutely had no control over his heart. He felt it thump so loud almost hitting his cage. 

Embarrassed at the information she threw away at him so blatantly she continued her story "and while returning home you passed by me humming out loud and jumping on your feet as you walked. I was right behind you, you know, all the way." She confessed the whole story.

Yoongi once again couldn't get his mouth to talk. 

She felt out of place. Maybe she was too bold this time. Maybe she should have picked up some other time to tell him this story, some time when he wasn't crying his eyes out or was in some different zone altogether. 

Embarrassed she got up preparing herself to literally run away from him. Yoongi sensed her despair and in a flick of the moment, he caught her hand. 

"Your name?" He asked, "I need to know your name." 

"Kim Su Mi" she said softly still not looking at him. "Kim Su Mi, have a cup of coffee with me please," he pleaded showing off his big gummy smile.

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Yoongi writes-

She need not struggle to find..

The right words to console me...!

Someone tell her,

Just Her presence is enough....!

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