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Yoongi saw her walk out of the fan sign. His mind and heart could not take the fact that she disappeared in a moment. There was no second glance, no second smile, and no second embrace. It was all done in a moment. She ruthlessly cut him off with a goodbye in a moment.

Yoongi wanted to storm out of the room and run behind her. But he looked at the cameras, the fans and he looked at his members, he couldn't do it.

He immediately took to his phone and scrolled through his contacts, 'Su Mi' he dialed her number and waited for the phone to ring and what he heard was 'This phone number is no longer in service.' His heart sank. Did she change her phone number and not inform Yoongi about it? He went through the message Inbox checking for Su Mi's messages.

Last message 22nd July 2016- Yoongi-ya, please please don't ignore my calls. It's urgent. Call me when you see this message.

His memory flashbacked to that day. He was practicing a day before the concert in Osaka with his members. During sound check, they were all focused on the choreography, vocals, and placements.

Yoongi's phone rang a hundred times that day. Su Mi was calling him non-stop. It made him so furious. "Couldn't she get the hint that he was busy and not available to pick her calls?" he said to himself.

Frustrated he took the phone to his manager. "Get me a new phone number," he told him in utter frustration and his manager did. And just that way he cut her off from the last piece that connected them.

He hid his face in his hands. "It wasn't her who changed her phone number first!" he sighed.

Yoongi pondered on her message after three whole years "What did she mean by 'Urgent'?"

He called again "This number is out of service," And again....

He became restless, not able to contain it anymore, he looked at Jin signaling to accompany him away from the crowd. He told his manager he needed five minutes break. He went to the dressing room requesting his crew members to give him some space. They all left the room.

Yoongi was pacing anxiously back and forth not knowing how to handle what he was feeling. Meeting Su mi got back a lot of memories. The emotions he locked back somewhere at the back of his mind came flooding into his senses the moment he looked at her face. Her smile, her embrace, her warmth, her support, her tease, her care, her worries all came back to him one by one and he didn't know what to do about it.

He had built this wall over the years, keeping her away successfully. Her thoughts suppressed and dumped so he could focus on himself. He did an outstanding job at it. But it took only a moment for Su Mi to break all of this. 'Goodbye' was ringing into his ears. He was the one to cut off first so why the fuck it hurt like hell when she said goodbye.

Yoongi was angry, frustrated and haunted by the emotions he was feeling. He was laughing, smirking and at times almost in tears.

Just then Jin entered the dressing room "What is it, Yoongi?" he asked in an angry tone.

"Jin hyung. Su Mi. Su Mi." he couldn't even get himself to say her name.

"I know," Jin said looking at him with angry eyes. "You asshole. You fucking asshole. I had told you. I had fucking warned you about the consequences."


It was somewhere during their RED BULLET tour. A scandal had surfaced the media about an IDOL dating someone without their company knowing about it. The amount of criticism and backlash that guy had faced was huge. There were articles after articles almost ruining his career. The amount of stress his fellow members and the company faced post the incident was tremendous. He had to apologize to a thousand people and to his company. He barely made it back to his group again.

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