I will still fight!

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Su Mi came in next day with a poker face, an aged polite nurse accompanying her. "How are we doing today, Yoongi-ssi?" she asked. He nodded fine. The anger, disappointment, and hatred surfacing his body, his face red and eyes filled with rage thinking about Jimin's hand on her waist, the image never left him. He tried hard not to speak, not to create a scene, took every cell in his body to keep his mouth shut in tight silence and not burst out with questions demanding prompt answers. Su Mi noticed it. Of course, she did and yet she didn't say anything. After a quick examination, she gave the nurse some instructions and left the room.

The next day the nurse came in and called Yoongi to get out of the bed. She helped him up and out of the room to walk the corridors. With a slight pain at his scar site, he held the nurse's hand and strolled. On the left, he saw a board named 'Doctor's room'. So he looked at the nurse.

"Yes." She said even before Yoongi asking her anything. "On on-call days this is where Dr. Su Mi or any other doctor as a matter of fact sleeps."

Yoongi gives her the surprised look. How the hell in this world did the nurse guess what he wanted to know?

Sensing his thoughts the old nurse smirked. "I was there on duty the day you got operated. There is some history there between you two, isn't there? I saw the turmoil and anxiety on Dr. Su Mi's face on the day of your surgery. Her panic. That lady she never panics. She is one of the most sorted out resident I have known Yoongi-ssi. It was the first time I saw her this fragile. Even after the surgery, she was glued to your bed, monitoring every single second until you opened your eyes. I saw it all."

Yoongi listened to all of this with a pang in his chest. Every sentence spoken by the nurse sent him spiraling into thoughts. He knew it wouldn't be this easy to let go what they had. So this meant some part of her was still there, clinging to Yoongi, caring about him. And that gave Yoongi some hope. But Yoongi did not speak or answer back. He just continued listening.

He saw a small cafeteria with big see-through glasses as they turned left. The smell in the corridors was delicious and finally, it made him crave for food. But then his eyes drifted to a pair on the table laughing and bickering to each other, smiling heartily, he saw the girl put her first piece of meat on his plate, and he remembered those words, those beautiful words that got him to smile 'When couples share their first bite, it sends vibes into the universe to make them last forever' and he thought it was a Su Mi-Yoongi thing and yet he saw her doing the same for Jimin, eyeing him with fondness and adoration as she spoke and smiled brightly.

His heart ached, ached at how perfect they looked together, how bright her smile was for him and how his eyes twinkled as she laughed at his antics. He didn't know how long he stood there watching those two live a life together all fond and happy and there he was feeling all jealous, sad, vindictive, moments away from running and snatching Su Mi away from that table.

"Yoongi-ssi," the nurse shook his arms and got him out of his thoughts "Stop staring. You are making it very obvious you know. Let's go back."

She noticed his pained face, his distress, and sadness. It was all there, too obvious and she wondered if she should tell him more. After a few moments of silence, she spoke "Dr. Jimin, he is a good guy, actually a gem of a guy. A real sweetheart. Half the hospital goes gaga over him yet he looks at no one but her. The entire hospital knows about them. Well, mainly it's Dr. Jimin announcing to every other person that she is his girlfriend."

At that Yoongi smirks, he was at the receiving end recently when Jimin dropped the bomb of them being in a relationship. "Don't mind me saying this Yoongi-ssi, sometimes I wonder how did a cold and distant person as she made a guy so warm and cuddly fall in love with her?"

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