Because She Is There

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Yoongi never felt so happy in his life. He composed more songs, hummed more tunes and danced his heart out. After wrapping his performance at a club, Yoongi waited patiently outside the library.  His eyes constantly staring at the gate. The moment he saw Su Mi coming out, he ran to hug her. 

"Not here," Su Mi said scared somebody would notice, "Let us go to our usual place. You go ahead first. I will join you after 5 minutes."

 Yoongi nodded his head and left. They had found this old house by the end of the street. The owner had shifted to Seoul and nobody ever visited the house. It was perfect. They climbed over the small wall and sat on a bench in the yard which stayed illuminated by street lights, perfect enough to see each other's face. It had been already been ten months to their relationship but Yoongi felt as if they had met yesterday. 

Yoongi waited for Su Mi anxiously. His heart never stopped giving loud thuds on the thought of meeting her. As soon as he saw her hand over the wall, he ran towards it to catch her. She jumped off well and he caught her hand, reflexly pulling her so close their lips were inches away from touching. 

Yoongi stood still, anticipating what his next move should be. Should he fall back or should he take this opportunity to make this relationship more solid?  Yes! they had been dating for ten months now and yes! they liked almost everything about each other. But neither of them had confessed what thoughts lay beyond these casual coffee meetings, lunch or dinner dates. 

Yoongi thought he was the conservative one, but this girl challenged his remoteness.  He wanted her to be as vulnerable to him as he was towards her.  He knew from day one that she was the one. This girl here kept him sane, gave him the confidence to rise up from the bed smiling and helped him pursue what he loved. She listened to his every composition, researched her way through music though she was an illiterate it in the beginning. She learned the scales, the rhythm, the types, the genres; all to just understand Yoongi and his passion. She also pushed him to get a job. 

He remembered that day clearly. Yoongi had almost given up on everything. He tried a few jobs but nothing kept his interested. 

"I shouldn't give up this job right, Su Mi?"    Yoongi asked with a sad look in his eyes.

"You hate it, don't you?" she asked.

'Yes, too much" 

"Then leave it. You will find a better one," she said.

"Seriously, aren't you tired of me quitting jobs. This is my fifth one already" he sulked.

"Babes, There is nothing worse than feeling stuck up with something you don't feel right about" she replied. "Believe me, you need to find a job which makes your heart want to stay."

Yoongi always wondered from where did she get so much wisdom. She knew what to say, when to say, almost as if she was sent to answer his living problems. Tired of Su Mi nudging him always to apply at places every day, Yoongi looked for jobs at radio stations, music companies until he was hired at a recording studio. They were really impressed by his composing skills. 

Post this his relationship with his father improved a lot as Yoongi no longer got music home. He contributed to the family income, gave some money home. He was appreciated at work. He even sold a few of his compositions to artists and people had started recognizing his work. He studied as well he had his final year exams coming up soon. Well, he studied because Su Mi did, and it was a good excuse to stay by her at the library. Things were finally falling back into place. His heart was light, his music was improving and now he smiled often.

With so much going around, Yoongi never lost touch of his underground peers. Performing once a while at clubs and restaurants, they celebrated happily at Yoongi's progress. Yoongi was exceptionally elated while performing at these places cause he saw Su Mi cheering him on every time in the audience. 

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