13 when I asked him

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I like what I see.

"He's here," James whispered to me just as we entered the cafeteria. It was Friday, Sirius had been eating lunch with us every day since Tuesday. Both Peter and James had pressed me to ask Sirius to the party, but the moment just wasn't right.

Sirius sat alone at our usual spot. His head was hanging over a piece of paper on the table. His head rested on his left hand and he used his right hand to draw. He looked very concentrated and I think maybe his tongue was out again.

"If you don't ask him now, we're going to!" Peter warned, and James agreed with a nod.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll ask him." 

They high-fived behind me.

We walked the rest of the way over there. Each step caused more butterflies in my stomach. Sirius didn't notice us. He looked so cute and I just wanted to stand still and keep staring at him. Though that would be both weird and hella creepy.

"Hi, Padfoot," I greeted, my heart hammering against my chest.

Sirius smiled and hastily moved the paper out of our sight as he answered. "Hi, Moony. Hi, Wormtail. Hi, Prongs."

"Hi," James and Peter said in unison. 

James being the amazing person he was had begun to bring extra food to Sirius on purpose. Though Sirius always claimed he wasn't hungry or that he had already eaten, he always ate everything James gave him. Today it was a chicken sandwich and James handed it to Sirius like the most natural thing in the world.

Peter and James send me an insisting look. I gathered all my courage and finally asked him.

"So... there is this party later today, at Frank's place... wanna join, guys?" We had decided I would ask them all so it didn't seem suspicious that I asked him at the last moment.

"Yeah," James said.

"Of course," Peter said as well. 

I stared at Sirius, waiting for an answer. He didn't seem optimistic about the idea. My heart sank a little. Despite the fact, I insisted he didn't strike as a guy who liked parties, there was still a little part of me which believed he would say yes. Well, hoped.

"I don't know..." Sirius' eyes found the sandwich he hadn't begun to eat. I couldn't see his hands, but I imagined he was drawing circles on them. "I don't really like parties."

"Come on. It'll be fun," James insisted.

Sirius quickly eyed me. I wouldn't have noticed if I wasn't so determined to look at him all the time. He then looked down again.

"Please," I pressed. "It won't be the same without you."

He bit his lip and seemed to consider it. I tried making puppy-eyes. He was so close to agreeing to a party with me and had to give it everything. "I... I don't even have anything to wear-"

"Don't worry" James quickly said. "We can go to my place after school to get ready, then you can borrow something from me." 

We had actually already planned this before, but we tried to make it seem like we hadn't, only because I was too much of a coward to ask Sirius earlier.

"Err... I still don't think-"

"Please," I begged. He looked directly into my eyes. My heart started pounding again and I tried my hardest not to blush.

Sirius looked down at his hands. Probably watching the one makes circles on the other. He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes again. "I just... I don't wanna be alone, and... can we all just stay together the whole time? It's just that I... big crowds are just..."

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