32 when he taught me to kiss

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He is simply the most wonderful person I have ever met.

"You make great stories," I told him and smiled.

We were both smiling and looking at each other. He suddenly smirked. "You do realize you haven't kissed me yet, right?

"Yeah," I said, but didn't do anything else. What if I'm just as bad as yesterday?

Sirius' face darkened. "You don't want to kiss?" he asked with a tiny voice. I could feel how he flinched under my touch.

I quickly wrapped my other arm around him and pulled closer while repeatedly saying I'm sorry. "I didn't mean it like that, of course I want to kiss you..."

He put the drawing away and buried himself deeper into me. I swear I could have died right then and there. This is with no doubt the cutest thing he has ever done. I had the perfect position to kiss his forehead, but what if I did it wrong?

"Then why don't you kiss me?" Sirius asked confused.

I took a deep breath and mentally prepared myself. "I really don't want to ruin our relationship because I'm so bad at kissing" it felt good to get it out, yet I was still nervous.

There was a slight pause from him. "You are not that bad" he then said at last.

I snorted. "Please. We had to have a 'kissing-break' because I was that bad."

There was another pause from him, and I didn't know how to take that. What if he reconsidered this whole 'boyfriend' thing?

Sirius got out of my grip to look into my eyes. "I can teach you" he stated dead serious. I gulped. He was so fucking hot. I don't think I have ever seen him determined in a hot way, a cute way perhaps, but I really like this hot thing. I think I'm sweating.

"Y-Yeah" I didn't mean to stutter.

He laughed and broke the tense atmosphere I hadn't even realized was in the room. I immediately relaxed and smiled. Sirius has never been able to just laugh freely this way and I like it very much.

"Just" he took hold of my hand. "Don't think too much about it" he offered me a really cute smile. "Like when you held me right before, you did that without thinking about it. You just focus on the kiss and everything else comes naturally."

"What if it doesn't?" I focused on our hands. "I'm terrified that I will ruin it, and you don't want to be with me anymore."

Sirius pouted in the cutest way I have ever seen. "That makes it sound like you are only in this for the snogging."

I couldn't help but laugh as he was repeating Lily. He had a very confused expression, so I realized I had to explain. "It's just that Lily said the exact same thing when James told how much he likes kissing" I felt a bit more relaxed now.

"Lily?" the confused expression didn't leave Sirius' adorable face. "The girl James like? She said that?"

I hadn't realized he hadn't been there to experience them together. I blushed as I spoke. "Yeah, uhh, they are kind of dating now."

He smiled slightly. "Can you say congratulations for me?" Sirius asked cutely and tightened his grip around my hands.

"Of course" I promised and stroked his hands with my thumbs. I know I said his hands were around mine, but my hands are way bigger than his, and therefore he can't hold around them very well. Yet I don't care at all. How can I care about how he is holding my hand when I can care about him holding my hand?

Sirius smiled. "Ready to kiss now?"

I made an unintended nervous laugh. He pouted and pulled himself closer towards me. Breathing became trouble again. Sirius was sitting on me and his lips were inches from mine, I could feel his breath.

"The way you kissed me yesterday was pretty good if it's for quick kisses" his lips were slightly touching mine as he spoke. "But if you want intense kisses you first want to turn me on. Try" he ordered, and a shiver ran down my spine.

I gulped. "How?"

"I like your hands" he whispered. "Try and touch me places."

He seemed so confident therefore I simply had to do what he asked. I got my hands on his back while looking into his eyes to make sure I didn't do anything he didn't like. My hands stroked gently up and down, one of them found it's way towards the front. It moved from his belly to his chest. I stroked his neck before my fingers found his lips and gently teased them.

His lips were slightly apart when I started, but then he opened it and licked my finger. I was too shocked to move my finger, therefore, he kept licking it. Nervously I took my finger away and licked it myself. Sirius giggled and I couldn't control myself anymore. I closed the distance between us and kissed his lips.

It all went well until I remembered his comment about the way I kissed yesterday. I broke the kiss.

"So uhh, what next?" I asked before he could comment on it.

He smiled. "It was good hand work, I liked it... you know these films where they kinda eat each other when they snog?" I nodded not sure if I loved the idea or was terrified of it. "Kinda like that just, you know, less extreme" Sirius looked so adorable. "And if you want to do something extra, you can nip my ear..." he touched his ear and I suddenly really wanted to kiss it. "...and trace your lips from there to my mouth before you kiss me."

I poked him gently in his stomach. "Now you are making me nervous" I mumbled.

Sirius shook his head. "Forget it. Just do what feels right."

I nodded and decided to start by putting my hands on his back to pull him closer. Our lips weren't touching, I was trying the thing Sirius did just a moment ago, where we could feel each other's breaths. Then I traced my lips towards his ear to nip and kiss it. Sirius leaned into the touch and suddenly I was filled with confidence.

My tongue found it's way out of my mouth and started licking Sirius' ear for a moment before tracing down his cheek and towards his mouth. I licked his lips before pressing them together. This was the hard part and I could hear my heart beating faster. Suddenly my hand was on his heart, it beat at the same pace as mine.

I tried to do the 'eat' thing, so I opened my mouth and closed it around his mouth. Sirius moved his arms around my neck while I moved my one hand to hold his back and the other to hold his head. I pressed him closer and took another bite. It felt so amazing and I wanted more.

Sirius moaned and suddenly I felt great. I got a tighter hold on him to lay him down, we continued at the same pace. His hands were cupping my cheeks. I parted to our lips to breathe before quickly going back, but he stopped me.

At first, I panicked. Did I do it wrong? But then I looked at him. He was breathing rapidly, deep breaths. His lips were swollen. But he was also smiling. "Good" he managed between breaths.

I smiled before leaning down, not to kiss his mouth, but to kiss his face and neck. I started with a quick kiss on his nose, then moved towards his ears before kissing a little behind them and moving towards his neck. He hummed and I decided to try and make a hickey. That's not hard, is it?

I licked the spot I had picked before putting my lips down on it and sucking. Though I quickly ran out of air and had to move away. Sirius started laughing. I laid down next to him, my legs were on top of his, and he turned his head to face me.

"Sorry Moony. It was good. I'm glad you did things without thinking too much about it" he smiled and all I could think about was how much I wanted to kiss him.

When such a compliment comes from him, it means everything.

"You are good too" I mumbled. A giant understatement. He was perfect.

He smiled. "I guess we are both good tutors then" Sirius joked. "But maybe we should practice some more" he stared intensely at my lips. I couldn't agree more.

I hope I'll never kiss anyone but him.




This was supposed to happen in the last chapter, but hey now it's here.

Remember to review if you liked it!!!

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