19 when I saw him again

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He was the most beautiful person I had ever seen.

I followed Angeline out of the car, staring at the big building in front of us. It was like a giant white cube-formed monster. I gulped but forced myself to keep going. Going meant I could apologize to Sirius.

She led me past the reception and into a lift. With the lack of something better to do, I wiped my hands in my pants again.

"Sirius might not be exactly as you remember him," Angeline said carefully.

"In... In what way?"

"He was doing good before you confronted him, but right now he's at the bottom." She hesitated a few moments, then turning to me. "We're gonna help pull him back up. We have to make him feel better - feel good about himself, so he can see he's worth it."

I was so eager I almost jumped. "What's the best way to do that?"

She smiled motherly. "Right now, just be a friend to him. He needs someone to trust, so you'll have to show you're trustworthy. You need to apologize - but you already said you would so that's fine. You need to respect his boundaries. Maybe even promise things -small things- and then keep those promises."

"I can do that!" I said, barely able to stand still. If doing these things would make him feel better, then I would be sure to do them!

Then the lift door opened.

The hallway was all white. Completely identical doors stood with even space between them. A few people walked around. Some of them had sweatpants and t-shirts, others wore the same uniform as Angeline, and the last ones wore normal clothes like me.

The hallway seemed to go on forever. Probably only because I knew Sirius was behind one of the doors. Finally, Angeline stopped in front of a door, glanced at me, and then opened.

"Hey Sirius, look who I brought."

I stepped in.

The whole room was white. Not an ounce of colour could be spotted anywhere. On the wall left to the door stood a closet, and there was a door leading to what I assumed was a bathroom. The next wall had a huge window, but the blinds were drawn. On the wall right to the door stood a desk, overflown with paper. And the wall next to that had his bed in front of it. The bed he was sitting on.

Sirius was as beautiful as I remembered. He was wearing sweatpants and a shirt with long sleeves. His hair was loose and as wavy as ever. Though it covered most of his face, I could still see his widened eyes. He sat cross-legged, a plate with a half-eaten piece of toast in front of him and he fiddled with a hair tie.

Sirius looked down. "Hi, Remus."

"Hi, Padfoot."

He sent me a quick glance, then looked at Angeline, holding up the hair tie. "I tried braiding it myself, but it didn't look good. Could you do a French braid?"

"Of course."

Sirius sat on the edge of the bed, but not before sending me another quick glance. Angeline sat behind him and began braiding. "You just continue practising," she said, "but otherwise it's fine. It's always harder to do it on yourself."

He nodded but otherwise didn't say anything. Once done, he touched the braid, then sat next to Angeline. Sirius drew his knees up, put his arms around them, cast a quick glance at me before looking at Angeline.

"Thank you," he said softly. "And thanks for bringing Remus."

"No problem." She smiled softly.

I wanted to go over and hug him so badly, but also knew it was the last thing he wanted. And so, I didn't. He was drawing circles on his hands - I had almost forgotten he used to do that.

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