35 when we waved

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To think someone is more perfect than him is outrageous.

"Sirius has a brother" I stated catching both James' and Peters attention in the process.

We were sitting in James' bedroom the week after Sirius had opened up to me about his dad. Lily wasn't with us as she didn't know about his past, and Sirius hadn't told she could know. It's fair enough seeing as he hasn't met her.

I wanted to talk with them about it earlier but wasn't sure if Sirius would be okay with it, on the other hand, he might not even care if we manage to find his brother.

"What's his name?" James immediately asked.

"Regulus Black. He let it slip when he told me about Salvatore last week."

"It sounds familiar" Peter stated thoughtfully.

"Remember what we found on the internet about the scandal with a Black family?" I asked and both of them nodded. We had found it when we were searching for Sirius, we just didn't think it was him seeing as they live far from here and because the family is rich. Sirius didn't exactly seem rich. "I think that Sirius was part of that family, and if we can find the article again, maybe we will be able to find Regulus."

James opened his laptop and Peter took out his phone.

"Do you know anything else about his brother?"

I shook my head. "I was thinking of asking Angeline if she knows anything. He has known her for a very long time, so I think she knows at least something."

"If she knows something, don't you think she would have found him already?" Peter asked though I was prepared for the question.

"I wanna know what he looks like, what things he likes and such. I can't ask Sirius because it would seem suspicious, I don't want him to know we are looking. It would get his hopes up, and if we don't find him, he will just come down again."

We were silently looking for the article and other information, I checked every social media, but couldn't find anything. It seemed just as impossible as finding Sirius.

Out of sudden James said something.

"You are a great boyfriend."

I smiled. "I just want him to be happy."


"Hey, Angeline can we talk?"

I was sitting in the waiting area and she had just come towards me. I hate that the bus doesn't like me, and I therefore always have to wait here for a half hour, but it's worth it for Sirius.

"Sure." We began walking.

"He told me he has a brother, and I was thinking if you know anything about him. Maybe where they used to live as kids or something." She raised her eyebrow at me. "I was just thinking it would make him happy if we could find Regulus. I haven't told or promised him anything don't worry!" I quickly added the last part when she looked worried.

Angeline sighed. "I don't know their last address, I didn't meet Sirius until he began living with Salvatore, he wasn't much for talking about his old house and Salvatore didn't want to reveal where it was."

"But hasn't Sirius told you about him? Maybe things they used to do together, what things he likes or what he looks like" I pressed. She was the only person who could help me, the one person who knew about his past.

She sent me a careful glance. "They look a lot alike, but Sirius has always said he was more handsome. Regulus always dreamt of travelling the world, that's all I know."

I nodded and swallowed my disappointment. I had really hoped she knew something more, it seems that I have to ask Sirius if I want to know his old address. That could easily turn into a problem.


The whole past week Sirius looked like he was on the verge of a panic attack right before he saw me, then he looked relieved and smiled when he saw I wasn't gone. It hurts that he is so afraid all the time. I'm so stupid for being late, he wasn't so scared before.

Though today was different. He didn't look nervous, he didn't look relieved, he only smiled. I quickly joined him on his bed and kissed his lips. Sirius smiled when we broke apart.

"Someone is happy today" I stated. By the way, we were holding hands.

"You know yesterday when we were sitting by the window, right?" He gestured and I nodded. "Well..." he dragged me up there and we looked out, the view was of the parking lot. "...when you left, I stayed here, and I saw you by that street light. So I tried to look out today, and I saw you like a half hour ago."

I smiled and pulled him in for a hug, it's amazing that I can do that an he is completely okay with it.

"I wish I had known, then I would have waved" I mumbled into his ear.

He grinned. "You can just do it on your way out."

"How will I know which room yours is?" I dragged him towards the bed, and we laid down facing each other. He moved closer to me, I beamed and boldly wrapped my arms around him. He moved his arms around me too, and his cute little hands were holding my back.

"If you stand under the street light, I can see you, then I'll blink with the lights here, and you'll know."

We both moved closer to each other and somehow his head landed on my chest. I'm just about a hundred per cent sure he could hear my heart beating, and it must have been fast because his head was on my chest. Have I ever told how much I just love being with him?

"I never thought I could be this happy" he mumbled quietly.

"I knew" I replied whispering.

"I'm so glad you kept, and kept, and kept insisting on being friends with me, even though at the time it was awful" he let out a nervous laugh. I gently kissed his head.

"I'm sorry I was such an idiot back then-"

"Stop!" Sirius turned to look at me. "I'm saying I'm happy about it."

My lips found his. They were so soft and wonderful. There is no other place in the entire world I would rather be than next to him. It feels so perfect, it feels right.


It was extremely cold and small raindrops landed on me, but I couldn't go before waving to Sirius. I ran towards the street lamp with my hands in my pockets, perhaps I should have brought gloves and a warmer jumper.

Finally I was under the light and glanced towards the hospital, in one of these rooms Sirius was staring down at me. It was actually kind of exciting that he could see me, and I couldn't see him. Only a few moments later one of the rooms had lights that repeatedly turned on and off.

I stared transfixed at the window until I saw a little figure staring down at me.

It certainly didn't look like Sirius at all, I couldn't see anything, to be honest, only the little outline that was his arm waving at me. I lifted my own arm and waved as well.

We waved for a few seconds before I decided it was enough and turned around, yet I couldn't help but turn around and wave just one last time.




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