14 when I kissed him

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Amazing... so amazing. No other words.

I was wearing my favourite lucky jumper. If I would try and make a move with Sirius, I needed the extra luck. I had picked it out this morning because I knew I was going to James' place after school. Peter had done the same. He was wearing a pink hoodie, or what he liked to call it; salmon-coloured. We all disagreed. There was no reason a boy couldn't wear a pink hoodie.

James was wearing a white shirt. It would probably be ruined by the end of the night, though James was convinced he just had to be careful. The thing though, was that no one else was gonna be careful seeing as practically everybody else would be drunk. Yet I couldn't deny how marvellous he looked in it.

Sirius was dressed in a flannel shirt. I didn't know why James had it, but I hoped I was right about the reason that was the shirt Sirius had picked. It was white and grey. It made his eyes stand out more and they appeared even more beautiful than usual.

Mrs Potter drove us to the party. It was in full swing once we arrived. Sirius hesitated by the car. He stared at the house with big eyes. Suddenly I was afraid he regretted, or worse, forced himself to go anyway even though he would rather leave.

"Regretting?" I asked, hoping he would say no.

"Err... not if your promise still stands." He glanced at me with a worried look.

"I won't leave you, not even a single moment," I promised seriously. "But it's gonna get a bit awkward in the bathroom." Sirius grinned. I got so lost in the view I almost forgot where I was.

We all walked in. This party wasn't that much different from the one last summer. There were still a lot of people in little space, still drunk people everywhere, perhaps drugs, who knew. Sirius stood close to me seeing as he couldn't really stand other places. It felt like heaven. Though I hoped he wasn't uncomfortable.

"Uh. Girls ahead. See you guys later," Peter yelled then quickly moved towards a big group of girls who all greeted him with big smiles on their face. Peter was the kind of guy who was always respectful towards women. Rumours said it was only a facade to get them into bed, but I knew Peter. He was sweet and I was positive he would never hurt a woman intentionally. Plus he never became mad when they "friend-zoned" him. Which made them like him even more. As friends, of course.

James, Sirius and I stood in the kitchen. It was where some of the snacks and drinks were. It didn't take long before James spotted a certain red-head.

"Lily," he stared as her head disappeared in the crowd... guys is it okay if I go?" His question was directed at Sirius rather than me.

Sirius glanced at me. I nodded. "Yeah," he said. 

James quickly left. Sirius and I were alone. At a party. Just the two of us. It was almost like a real date. Oh god did Sirius think this was a date? Was it a date? No, it couldn't be. We had gone as a group.

"Do you want anything to drink?" I had to lean down and talk right into his ear. The music was too loud for anyone's liking but it seemed as if most people were already drunk and therefore didn't mind.

He tip-toed to reach my ear, and I bend down slightly. His hot breath hit my skin causing me to shiver. "Yeah. Just without alcohol."

"That's okay!" I said. "I think there's soda too."

I grabbed his hand (yes, I could have grabbed his wrist, but when I had the option of something else, why should I?) and gently dragged him towards the drink-table. He didn't try to get out of my grip. He took the opportunity to walk closer to me.

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