17 when she came

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So close.

To say I was extremely, unbelievable, uncontrollable nervous would be an understatement. He was back! Sirius was back. I couldn't believe that he was back after only a week. I could finally apologize for being so horrible to him. 

I woke up early, thinking I could see him before class.

My mom was surprised to see me in the kitchen. After all, I had barely left the bed for an entire week.

Our kitchen was rather small, though super comfy and I loved it. The floor was designed to look like cobblestone. The cabinet doors were made of spruce, and hanging plants added to the forest-feel. A big window let the sun shine fill the room with light and warm. A chandelier looking lamp completed the look.

I always thought of a forest or an abandoned castle when I came in. If you skipped the part with the modern hotplate and oven. My mom loved decorating, though could never find her favourite style, thus having parts of the house like the kitchen and others much more modern.

"Remus. You're up," she exclaimed happily, as she saw me. Perhaps more out of shock than anything else.

"Morning to you too," I said and grabbed a mug. Hot chocolate was essential for a day like this. I took a plate and put bread in the toaster. I wasn't fully aware of my actions, but suddenly there was no more hot chocolate in my mug and no more bread on the plate. 

A thought suddenly dawned on me. I had been so excited about meeting Sirius again, I hadn't even wondered what would happen after. Would he accept my apology? Would he forgive me? What if he didn't? Would we be friends again? Though one thing was for sure:

I didn't care if he forgave me or not - I just needed him to be okay.

Though I could understand why he wouldn't want to be friends with me anymore, some part still hoped he wanted. If he had it in him to forgive me, I would take the chance and do everything in my power to make sure he was okay.

I hurriedly cleaned up, went to brush my teeth and packed my bag. School didn't start in another thirty minutes, but I couldn't wait any longer. As I was about to leave, my mum spoke.

"Where're you going?"

I stopped suddenly. "To school."

"You were sick just yesterday."

"And now I'm not."

She didn't find me funny.

"Remus," she said firmly. "You can't just be ill for a week, and yesterday might I add, then suddenly be super-duper okay." She crossed her arms, looking as firm as she sounded.

Though I was prepared for something like this. My mum had always forced me to stay in bed an extra day after being ill, just to make sure I was completely fine. Also, she thought I wasn't the kind of person to skip class. Which was true, but how could she know?.

"Are you telling me to skip?" I asked, fake-shocked.

The question obviously surprised her. For a moment, her eyes widened. "No..." she stated unsure, then more firmly, "no! I'm asking you to stay at home because you're ill."

"But I'm not," I said carefully. "So, if I'm not, and you ask me to stay home, then you're technically asking me to skip."

"Remus! You were ill only yesterday. Wouldn't even eat chocolate. You can't just all of sudden be recovered."

"Okay." I raised my hands in defeat. "If you want me to skip that badly, I guess I'll have stay home." I headed for the stairs, it took a little moment, but then she spoke up again.

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