18 when I discovered the truth

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If you think you're gonna get the full explanation of why Sirius acts the way he does, then you're absolutely right.




He was him. That's what I liked.

"Padfoot?" I blurted, millions of thoughts racing through my head. "What? Where is he? Is he alright?" I quickly added. Did she really know? I couldn't believe I had searched for him for four weeks, and then she randomly showed up one day, telling she knew something.

"Can we talk alone?" Angeline eyed James and Peter who quickly left.

Though she hadn't answered any of my questions which worried me. I felt a clench in my stomach. What if something bad had happened to him? What if the teachers had lied?

She waited until they had walked out of the door before speaking. My hands started getting sweaty and I quickly wiped them on my pants. 

"This is a sensitive matter and I need you to promise to not share anything with anyone without his consent. This part is very important, and you're gonna have to swear!"

"I swear I won't say anything," I said truthfully, "I would do anything to see him again."

"I'm glad to hear that." She sighed, relieved. "He'll be happy to hear it. But please be careful. He isn't doing particularly well, and having his trust betrayed again." She glanced at me. "Might leave permanent damage."

I gulped. "Believe me. I haven't thought of anything else but apologizing since I did it. I feel so horrible and I just want him to be okay."

Angeline eyed me for a moment, seemingly coming to the conclusion that I was speaking the truth. "He gave me permission to tell everything I'm about to tell you, but I hope you won't treat him differently than from what you've done previously. He really needs a friend."

"I want to be his friend!"

"Then come with me."

And I followed her. Like an idiot. But I had been searching for weeks and hadn't found anything, and she was like sent from heaven. Plus, she used his nickname. A name only James, Peter, his dad and I knew, as far as I was concerned anyway. So, judge all you want, but I went.

She led me to her car. I texted James and Peter that I went with her. Angeline started the car and began driving, I made sure to check our surroundings. I tapped my foot impatiently. As we stopped for red, she began talking.

"He's in a mental health hospital."

I whipped my head around staring at her with wide eyes.

She continued. "You need to understand he had a hard time growing up. Whatever he did wasn't good enough. He could get a B+ and his parents would ask why it wasn't an A. He could spend time and his own money for a birthday present and they would make fun of it. They would yell at him for every little thing he did wrong and make fun of his insecurities in public. They would go through his personal belongings... all of these things are called emotional abuse."

I frowned. "I... I didn't know there was a thing called emotional abuse. Isn't it only when... when slapping and stuff like that, that it's abuse?" I felt dumb for asking but had to know.

She chewed on her lip. "That kind of abuse is... more known, but not the only kind. Emotional abuse is invisible, and many people don't understand it. Tell me, what's your worst subject in school?"

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