47 The Sad Ending

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Just to clear out any confusion: there are two different endings to this book. If you're here, you've chosen the sad ending. To choose the happy ending, go one chapter back.




Trigger warning. Mention of death and suicide.



Remus ran down the hallway he had been walking on so often for the past few months. The thing is that he had never been running before, only walking as he didn't want to disturb anyone there. Though right now the only important was getting to Sirius as quick as possible.

He didn't waste time catching his breath before crashing through the door.

Everything in the room seemed much whiter and paler than usual, including the two persons in there. Sirius was sitting on his bed with the coloured duvet in red and gold. His back was to Remus and he clutched the little tawny-coloured wolf. The dream catcher he had once granted his boyfriend hang from the ceiling like a chandelier.

Remus smiled because he was relieved that he could see Sirius again. His boyfriend who had done many things for him the same way he had done so many things for Sirius.

Sirius had opened doors for Remus he had never seen before, things had been discovered that he never even dreamt about. And Remus, well... he showed Sirius that not everything is terrible and even though you want to hide away, opening up isn't the end of the world, it might actually create a new one.

He knew Sirius knew he was there. Remus had been late, he had promised he wouldn't, but the car had slowed him down. Didn't matter because he was there now and ready to make up for it by proposing something Sirius couldn't say no to.

"Why didn't you come before now?" Sirius broke the silence and immediately tears fell from his eyes.

Remus saw it as his cue and in a matter of seconds, he was by Sirius' side and wrapped his arms around him. Sirius was perfect, he didn't deserve to be broken. Tears weren't good enough to touch his face. The only two things that were allowed to be on Sirius' face was smiles and Remus.

"I'm sorry. I really am. The car came, but... I'm fine, and I'm here now" Remus hugged as tight as he could, but it still felt distant. Sirius leaned into him.

"When they came... they said..." A few tears escaped his perfect grey eyes and Remus quickly wiped them away. "I didn't believe them" he finished firmer.

"And you were right!" Remus stated firmly as he stared into Sirius' eyes. "They weren't right. They lied to you because they are jealous of what we have, but from now on, I'm yours, only yours."

"Mine?" Sirius asked dreamily.

"Yours" Remus confirmed. "You never have to share me with anyone else ever again. I--"

But before he could finish and propose his idea to Sirius, the door opened, and Angeline stood there with a sad look in her eyes. Sirius' expression hardened at the sight of her. Before he would have loved her care, but with the new information Remus had provided him, he knew the truth.


"No!" Sirius stated and clutched the wolf tighter. "I don't wanna speak to you ever again."

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