46 The Happy Ending

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Just to clear out any confusion: there are two different endings to this book. If you're here, you've chosen the happy ending. To choose the sad ending, skip to next chapter.




Soulmates are the perfect word for us.

You know in books when they say that something happened both really slow and really fast? And how they visualize this in movies by first making it slow, and then go fast? It was one of those moments. Not to be to cliché or anything, but I saw my life pass by. God, I read a lot of books.

I saw the car race towards me with wide eyes. The whining of the wheels. A little puff of air as it turned and stopped merely millimetres away from me. I let out a hitched breath and covered my mouth with my hand. My vision was blurry. Someone called my name and dragged me away from the road.

I was faintly aware of a car door opening and a person spluttering out an apology; to tell they had slipped on the ice. James (I think) told said person it was quite alright, and they shouldn't worry.

My heart wouldn't stop beating. The loud drums were all I could hear. Until James wrapped his arms around me and whispered soothing words.


I couldn't stop fidgeting. My mom glanced at me through the rearview mirror in the front seat. She had suggested postponing the meeting, or maybe even cancel altogether. But I knew it would crush Sirius if I did, besides, I hadn't thought of anything else than being in his arms since yesterday.

My parents were driving us to the hospital so we could all pick up Sirius. The thought made me smile. Sirius generally makes me smile. He's so adorable.

I couldn't have asked for more perfect weather. The snow was falling from the sky. Quite beautiful, but not as beautiful as Sirius, of course. Though that also meant the roads were more slippery than usual. My dad drove slowly for that exact reason.

We finally arrived. I caught a glimpse of Sirius. A beanie sat on top of his head, a scarf wrapped around him, the biggest smile ever was decorating his face. He was jumping slightly like he used to. Was it because of the cold, or excitement? 

It was amazing to see him outside of the hospital for the first time in so long.

My dad parked, and immediately I was out of the car. Sirius waved, but he stayed by Angeline's side. I quickly approached him and planted a quick kiss on his lips. I felt slightly awkward kissing him in front of my parents. His hair hung loosely around his shoulders.

I cleared my throat. "Mum, Dad, this is Sirius. Sirius, this is my parents." I gestured between them.

Sirius stuck his arm out. "It's nice to meet you."

My parents each took a turn shaking his hand, and my dad responded. "It's nice to meet you too. I'm so glad you could come."

"My pleasure," Sirius said with a glance at me.

I took his hand. "You ready to go? We got hot cocoa and cookies at home."

He squeezed my hand in return. "Yeah. Just a moment." Sirius let go of my hand to hug Angeline. They spoke quietly to each other for a few moments before he let go and took the bag she had previously been holding.

Sirius took my hand again and I followed him to the car. Of course, I held the door open for him like a proper gentleman. I stared at his bag, wondering if it was the presents, he had made. Had he brought clothes? Would he need to borrow my clothes? Should I hide his clothes?

I couldn't help but fidget slightly as the car began driving. Sirius noticed instantly and took my hand in his. I smiled at him, yet he glanced worriedly back at me. I squeezed his hand slightly.


I had given Sirius a quick tour of the house so we could get alone as soon as possible. He seemed way too interested in the pictures of me that decorated the walls. Some of them were from when I was just born. My mom had put out the picture of me as a five-year-old naked in the bathtub, even though I had hidden it away.

Though there truly wasn't much secrecy between us in that area, I still dragged my giggling boyfriend away from there.

Finally, in my room, I tried to kiss him, but the giggles prevented me from doing so. Instead, I pulled him towards my bed. He glanced around but stopped when he spotted the drawing of the wolf that had caught a ball in the air.

"You actually framed it." The smile reached his ears.

"Of course." I captured his lips with my own. When we pulled apart his smile fell slowly. He took both my hands in his and proceed to draw little circles on them.

"Why were you so nervous in the car? Was just because I met your parents, or... or was it something else?"

I breathed in slowly. "I'm fine, but I almost got hit by a car yesterday."

He froze for just a second, then wrapped his arms around me. "But you're okay now? What happened?"

"I'm great. Honestly. It was just an accident, but I'm fine and no one else got hurt. I was just shocked, that's all." I pulled his arms away from me and locked eyes with him so he could see I was being honest. " James was nearby, and he helped me."

Sirius pouted. Oh god, he's so cute. "I should be the one to help you."

I laughed softly and pulled him closer to me. "You'll be out soon, and then we can both be there for each other all the time."

He placed his hands around my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I put my arms around him to get him closer. Our chests were touching. Brief thoughts of the lube and condoms popped into my mind. My thumb gently lifted his shirt, just a little.

We both jumped away from each other as the door to my room was opened with a bang. My mom stood there, with a smile on her face as if everything was normal.

"The hot cocoa is ready."

I shared a quick look with Sirius. "We'll be down in a minute."

She nodded and left but kept the door open. I glanced back Sirius; he was as red in the head as I was. Both of us let out a nervous giggle. I moved next to him and bumped out knees together.

"How will we... err, if they're in the house?" His head -if possible- turned even redder. I had to restrain myself from kissing him again when he was being so adorable.

"They have this dinner thing tomorrow with some friends, then James and Peter will come over to say hi. I figured after they left, we could..."


The rest of the day went great. Sirius and I cuddled up under one blanket while drinking hot cocoa. My parents apparently had lots of embarrassing stories of me, which Sirius enjoyed hearing. I let it happen for the time being, but only because Sirius looked so happy.

He did a great job charming them. I had been worried they wouldn't like him, or just pretended to not be homophobic while hoping it was a phase I was going through. That wasn't the case at all.

Dinner was nice as well. The dessert obviously consisted on mainly chocolate. Sirius ended up feeding me the rest of his pie. In front of my parents. My face couldn't possibly become redder than it already was. He totally did it on purpose!

The day ended way too quickly, but instead of being sad about that, I concentrated on the positive side; Sirius was there.

He was waiting in my room while I brushed my teeth. The sight I came back to, stunned me. Sirius -my boyfriend- was wearing my pyjamas pants, and one of my favourite t-shirts. I couldn't help but smile. He had to be the cutest being on earth. No, in the universe.

Sirius smiled back at me. I slipped under the covers with one thought in mind; I would wake up with my amazing boyfriend in my arms.




I felt like this was a good place to end this.

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