1. How You Meet

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Luke: You were on your shift working at the Vans store when you spotted a tall guy with blonde locks walk into the store. He looked about the same age as you and he was pretty attractive. "Hey, Y/N can you go help that customer over there?" Chris, your co-worker, asked you. "Yeah." "Ok thanks." You gave him a nod and walked away to where the attractive guy was standing. "Hello. My name is Y/N if you need any help I'll be right over there." You greeted him. "Oh hi there. Um.. Actually I already kind of know what I'm looking for." He said in an adorable Australian accent. "Ok. What shoe were you looking for?" "Oh hey Luke! You're here for the usual right?" Chris said walking to the front of the store where you two were. "Yeah I actually am." "I'll go grab them." Chris said before disappearing into the stockroom. "So you have a usual for shoes?" You said trying to not laugh. "Well.. that sounds weird when you put it like that." Luke said scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah it kinda does. But I don't blame you. Which shoes are they?" "The all black Vans. Oh and by the way I'm Luke." He said reaching out his hand for you to shake. "Y/N." You said shaking his hand and giving him a small smile. "Hey what time does your shift end at?" "In about 5 minutes. Why?" "So maybe I can take you out for lunch and you know talk?" You smiled at his adorable shyness before saying, "Yeah I would like that. Meanwhile you can go buy your usuals." You giggled a little before walking to the cash register to ring him up and then the two could go to the food court.

Calum: You were currently at your local grocery store buying some groceries when someone bumped into you. "Oh god! I'm so sorry. I should've been looking where I was going." The stranger that bumped into you apologized. He was actually very attractive and he looked around the same age as you. "No worries." You said. "I'm Calum by the way." Calum said extending his hand for you to shake. "And I'm, Y/N." You reached for his and shook it while giving him a sweet smile. "That's a very pretty name. Just like you are." He said making you blush. "Well, Calum aren't you just a flirt." You said teasing him. "Well I mean it's true. You are a very pretty lady." You blushed a little more before saying, "You aren't that bad looking yourself if I say so myself." "So I see I'm not the only flirt around here." You just laughed a little before saying, "You know Calum, you seem like a really nice guy." "And you seem like a very nice lady, Y/N. Maybe we can hang out sometime? You know to get to know each other." "I would really like that." You smiled at him before reaching into your purse to get your phone out. "Here put your number in." You said. He handed you his phone as well for you to put your number in. "Now that you have my number, just text me whenever you're available and we can meet up." "Alright that sounds good." A little after you had left, your phone buzzed signalling you had a message. "Hey there cutie. ;) It's me Calum. You wanna grab some lunch?" You smiled at the text message he had sent you and replied, "I'll meet you at the cafe down the street in 10."

Michael: You were currently at McDonald's getting something to eat with your friends. You and your friends were sat at a table close by to 4 pretty cute guys. You were checking out the guy with the lilac hair when your friend, Y/F/N, nudged your side. "I caught you checking that one guy out, Y/N." She said winking at you. "I-I was not.." You said looking down at the table blushing. "Aye their pretty cute." Your other friend commented looking over at the table where the four guys were sitting at. "Oh god! The one with the lilac hair saw us looking over at them." You told your friends trying to hide your face from the embarrassment. "Y/N the one you were checking out is coming over here!" Y/F/N told you, excitement in her voice. When you looked up from the table, you saw the guy you were looking at coming towards your table. "Shit." You mumbled under your breath. "Hi there. Um.. My name's Michael. I kinda saw you checking me out and well.. your really hot." Michael straight out told you which made you blush fiercely. "I-I'm Y/N. And sorry about that.." "Well, Y/N, would you mind giving me your number? Because I would really hate not to be able to talk to such a beautiful girl like yourself." He asked you. "Y-Yeah." You smiled at him handing him your phone and him doing the same. "Thanks." He smiled handing you back your phone and walking away. A few seconds later your phone buzzed. "Hey there cutie. (; " You read the message and looked up at the table where Michael was. You smiled at him while shaking your head. He just winked at you and continued eating his meal.

Ashton:"I'm just going to go check out some music while your in there." You told your mom. You guys were at the mall and your mom was going to enter once of those tea shops but you decided to go check out some music instead. "Alright. I won't take long so don't wonder off." You gave your mom a nod before walking into the store. When you entered the store, you went in search of a specific band you recently loved, Green Day. You had just started to listen to the band and you fell in love with their music. Once you found where their music was, you started to look at all the albums they had. "You know this album is Green Day's best,in my opinion." A guy with shiny green eyes and brown curls told you pointing to one of the albums on the shelf. "You listen to Green Day too?" You asked the stranger. "Yeah. They're really good," He spoke with an attractive Australian accent, "Oh and by the way I'm Ashton." He smiled dimples appearing. "I'm Y/N." You told him smiling at him as well. The both of you chatted a for a little about music; turns out the both of had the same taste in music. "Y/N! It's time to go now." You heard your mom's voice from outside the store. "Um.. I have to go.. My mom is waiting for me. It was nice meeting you." You gave him a smile before walking away. "Wait Y/N!" You turned around and saw Ashton walking towards you. "Can I maybe you know.. uh.. have your number?" You laughed at how adorable he was and said, "Yeah. Here just put your number in." You said giving him your phone. He gave you his phone as well and you punched in your number. "I'll text you soon, Y/N." Ashton smiled at you before you walked out the store to go with your mom.

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