I | Jason x Reader

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Okay so, hi readers, thanks for checking out my story! Just a warning, I wrote the first 20 or so when I was an eleven year old idiot who thought she could write but seriously cannot. For the better one-shots, check out the ones later!

This first one shot makes me want to cringe and throw up all over my laptop. You have been warned. Read at your own risk.

No seriously, it's so bad I can't salvage it.


You were sitting at the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea when a sudden gust of wind blew you over the edge.

You let out an earsplitting scream as you plummeted to the ocean below.

Just as you thought you were going to end up as a floating patch of demigod grease, there was a sudden ring of laughter as something blond raced pass you. Jason.

You had had a crush on him forever. He was so sweet and kind, the goody-two-shoes, just like you. The only difference was that people shunned you and not him.

"What the-" you were cut off when you were pulled upward.

You dusted yourself off and glared at him.

"No thank you? " he said, smirking.

You punched him.

"Why did you do that?! " he screamed, feigning pain.

Your heart was pounding so hard you thought it would jump off the cliff.

"I wanted to save you? "

"You didn't have to push me over!!"

"Sorry? " he asked.

"Sorry doesn't cut-" You were cut off when he grabbed your waist and pulled you into the air and kissed you.

He pulled away, much to your disappointment.

"Does that cut it? "

You blushed and said, "Maybe? "

"Ilikeyoualotwillyoubemygirlfriend?" he said.

"What was that? " you said smirking.

He leaned in and kissed you and you immediately responded, lips moving in perfect sync.

"Is that a yes? "he asked.

"What do you think? "

And you walked back to camp hand in hand.

Demigod x Reader // PJO HOO Reader Inserts // PJO HOO Imagines And PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now