Chapter 1

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We spent two years in Miami, two very nice years but Miami isn't my home and soon enough I was missing it more and more. I speak to Mia and Letty all of the time but they don't know that I got back together with Brian, I don't want to deal with the judgment.

"What do you mean they don't know, Charlie?" Brian asked.

"I haven't told them, any of them."

"Why the hell not? It's just gonna be that much more difficult when we go back."

"We? What do you mean we?" I asked, surprised by his choice of words.

"I'm going back with you, I'm not gonna lose you now. Did you really think I would let you leave alone? That didn't sound the way it did in my head, I love you Charlie and I'm not gonna let the continental US separate us. Not after everything we've been through."

"I planned on leaving alone, I didn't think you would come back with me. I can't tell them, Brian, they wouldn't understand and I don't need their commentary on my personal life." I told him.

"So what, are you breaking up with me?" He asked and I could see the pain in his eyes.

"I . . . no . . . I don't know. They can't find out babe, Mia and Letty are waiting for me in LA and they can't find out about us." I said, regretting my words immediately as the pain was so much more evident now.

"Are you embarrassed? Ashamed? What is it, Charlie? Why can't they know about us?" He demanded.

"You saw their reaction when they found out you were a cop. Everyone blames you for what happened and I don't want to be in the middle. I don't want to have to choose between my family and you."

"If it came down to that, who would you choose?"

"That's not fair and you know it, I won't play into it."

"It's a serious question, who would you choose?"

"If I were forced to choose, if it came down to that I would pick my family Brian, and you know that." I sadly admitted.

"At least your honest about it. I love you, Charlotte, and I will do whatever I need to do to keep us together. At some point you'll have to tell your family babe, it's been two years already and hopefully many more. If we have to keep us a secret a little longer than so be it but I'm not giving up on us." He said, pulling me into his arms.

"B. . ."

"No, I'm not gonna let you go there. Yeah, this whole situation is annoying and yeah, I'm angry but I'm not willing to lose you over it."

"I just . . . I didn't think I'd be here again, not with you and now going back . . . you don't deserve this but I can't see another way. Mia is flying in from Brazil, well she's already in LA and Letty is . . . well, they'll never accept this. I don't plan on losing you, I'm not going to lose you B but I don't know how to tell them."

"We'll figure it out, we always do. I'm not giving up and I won't let you give up." He said, kissing me.

Figuring it out meant that three months later, in LA I was still hiding my relationship from my sisters. I didn't plan on going this long but we just fell into this routine. My sisters know that I'm seeing someone but they think it's just sex because I sleep at Brian's place some nights. I don't have the balls to tell them who it is and thankfully they don't push it.

I wasn't sure how much longer I could keep it a secret but I didn't have long to find out. Mia was gone for the day and I was just cleaning when Letty walked in. She had a serious look on her face, something was eating at her. Knowing her she'd spit it out when she was well and ready so I kept cleaning.

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