Chapter 12

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For a while there I thought we would be able to have some fun and just relax but that wasn't the case at all. We were thoroughly enjoying ourselves but were interrupted by shouting some time later. Brian and I got dressed quickly after hearing Dom shouting.

"What's going on out here?" I asked Dom and Vince.

"Nothing." Dom growled.

"Please, Dom, just let me have the chip. I can take this to them, they'll give it to Reyes and set things right." Vince argued.

"What is he talking about? What chip?" I asked my cousin.

"Nothing." he replied.

"Please Dom, I can fix this." Vince insisted.

"Get out." Dom said.

"What?" Vince asked, shocked.

"Get out!" my cousin shouted.

"You never listen to me. Not when I told you he was a cop and not now. You never trust me and look where it's gotten us. Look at our family now. I can't go home! Your sister and your cousin are stuck in this life! Where's Letty, Dom? Where's Letty?" Vince shouted before leaving.

"Dom, I . . ."

"Go to sleep, we'll keep going in the morning." he said.

"Wait, Dom . . ."

"Let it go, baby, he needs to be alone." Brian said, pulling me away.

"But he . . ."

"Charlie, not now." he insisted.

"Fine, let's go to bed. We've got a lot to do."

The next few days were crazy; we figured out what was on that damn chip, almost died, almost got caught by the cops and to top it all off my boyfriend and cousin are trying to get us killed again. They've concocted this crazy ass idea for us to get away and I don't think it'll work very well.

I thought Brian's idea to break Dom out was bat shit insane but that's nothing compared to what they want to do in Rio. Right now we're waiting for the rest of the team to show up. Brian called some people in, Dom called some people in. Thankfully, I know most of them, well I know Brian's people anyway. I can't really say that I know who Dom called in.

"Look, they're starting to arrive." I said to Brian as his friends started coming in.

We watched our team bicker for a few minutes before making any moves. It doesn't matter how much time has passed these people don't really change. Tej, Roman, Santos, and Leo I know, the Asian man and the tall female are strangers to me.

"I see you all have met." Dom said, walking out and we followed.

"There he is." the Asian man said.

"Long time." Tej said.

"My baby girl! How you doin beautiful?" Roman asked, hugging me tightly.

"Doing good, it's good to see you both." I said, hugging Tej.

"What's up man?" Roman asked Brian, hugging him.

"Follow me, yo, check this out. This is Tej, best circuit man on the east coast. This is my boy, Roman Pearce. We go way back, I met this guy in juvie. I pulled that job with him in Miami." Brian said, introducing the guys to Dom.

"I met them in Florida." I added.

"I've heard about you." Dom said, while Roman gave him some serious side eye.

"Brian, how are you?" the woman asked.

"Doing good, Charlie this is Giselle. She helped us out when we were going to Mexico to do that job." he said.

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