Chapter 10

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"What the hell is all of this, Charlie?" Dom asked.

"It was Brian's idea, 25 years to life didn't sound fair to us." I told him.

"I can't believe you did this." he said to Brian.

"You're family and family takes care of its own." Brian replied.

"That's true, so what's the next step?" Dom asked.

"You know Mia's number?" he asked.

"Mia?" I asked.

"I spoke to Vince, we're to meet up at his place in two months. Be careful." Brian said.

"Take care of her and lay low O'Conner." Dom ordered.

"I love you, please be careful." I said.

"I love you too, now go, before the cops get here." he said.

"Are you ready?" Brian asked.

"Yeah babe, let's do this." I replied, lying through my teeth.

Everyone hopped into their cars, well Leo and Santos already left, but the three of us went our separate ways. I don't know how long we drove, how long we were on the boats for or how long it took us to drive again but we traveled for a long time. Seconds turned into minutes that turned into hours, days turned into weeks and I honestly lost track of time.

Brian did his best to take care of us; he made sure to find somewhere for us to sleep, we always had something to eat and clean clothes to change into. This isn't like anything I've ever been through and it was harder than I expected it to be. Life on the run definitely isn't for me but this is the choice that I made. I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be able to keep up with this but for his sake, I'm gonna try my hardest.

By the time we made it to Brazil, I was more than ready for this to be over but I had to recognize that it's just beginning. We are supposed to meet up with Dom at Vince and Mia's place and hopefully, we'll be there very soon.

"Do you know where you're going?" I asked Brian.

"Yeah, we're here." he said.

"It's gotta be it, right?" I asked as we got out of the car.

We found a staircase leading up and after grabbing my hand he started to lead the way. There were guys along the way, just watching us and it didn't feel right. I'm guessing that Brian got the same feeling, especially when the guns started coming out. The stairs were blocked for a second and that's when Brian made his choice.

"Let's get out of here." he said, looking between the people who tried to block us.

Before we got away Vince came down the stairs telling the men that we were with him, well that I was with him.

"Charlie." he said with a smile, wrapping his arms around me.

"Vince." I said, mirroring his movements.

"Buster. Come on." Vince sighed.

"Dom here yet?" Brian asked as we followed Vince to his house.


"When was the last time you heard from him?" I asked.

"A couple of weeks ago, up in Ecuador somewhere. How does it feel?" Vince asked.

"What's that?" Brian asked back.

"To be on the other side of a wanted poster." Vince replied.

"Here we go, can you two keep it to a minimum, please? I'm hungry and tired." I said, still worried about my cousin's lack of contact.

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