Chapter 13

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I took a quick shower and went to our room to pretend to rest. After giving the order I can't seem to find peace, nothing is helping me calm down. There's so much going on here, so much that is at stake and I don't know how this can possibly end well. The guys are so sure that this is all gonna go off without a hitch but I can't be so positive.

"I don't know, dad, I don't believe this can possibly go well. There are too many conflicting pieces for this to work out the way they want it to."

"Charlie, are you . . . oh hey." Brian said, walking in and closing the door.

"I'm going to bed."

"Please, can we not do this again?"

"This is easy for you because you've been doing this for years. I don't do this, Brian, I don't lie for a living and I don't want to but I'm stuck here."

"I'm going to do everything that I can, everything that's in my power to make this up to you. I know that you didn't want to do this, you didn't want to be on the run and I pushed."

"You pushed but I accepted, there's no blame to be had here. I'm a grown woman and can accept my responsibility in this but you're right, I didn't want to do this. Now we've gotta finish the job, we've gotta get through this and go hide for the rest of our lives. Yay us."

"Baby, we'll be fine."

"For how long?"

"For as long as humanly possible, for as long as you'll let me be by your side so that I can make things fine and smooth and happy for you."

"Let's go to bed please, I just wanna sleep."

"Okay, let's go to bed." he said, wrapping his arms around me before laying down.

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you more." he replied.

The next morning Leo and Santos were out to work on their part of the job. We need eyes in the police station and they said they can get it for us. All they needed was a small bomb and janitor outfits, I didn't ask any questions. Couldn't think of an accurate question and I wasn't sure if I wanted to know the answer.

"So how have you been, baby girl?" Roman asked me.

"I've been good, you know adulting."

"He being a pain in the ass? I can see it on your face." he said softly.

"Life, Rome, life gets in the way of a lot of things."

"He was a cop, I know that he went back to the force in LA."

"Yeah and that's when things started to go downhill, I thought I could handle it, I really did. I can't date a cop, it doesn't work. Now he's not a cop anymore but he's not happy. Brian likes the action involved with being a cop and not having that makes him look for that action in other places."

"Like robbing the man's man in Rio." he sighed.

"Yeah, like this idiotic job."

"The one thing that I can tell you is that no matter what he does, this guy loves you. I've never seen him like this with anyone else."

"I love him too, I just don't know if that's gonna be enough. For either of us."

"Hey, what are the two of you up to?" Brian suddenly asked, walking up to where Roman and I were sitting.

"Nothing much, just bothering my baby girl." Roman replied with one of his huge smiles.

"What were you doing?" I asked him.

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