Chapter 11

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Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the train employee walk into our cart. I nodded in his direction and kissed Brian again, quickly before internally bracing for this.

"Here we go." I told him.

We got up, walking towards the door of the car when I "accidentally" knocked into the employee. He looked up worriedly at Brian who just patted him on the shoulder and made sure to keep him distracted. Niceties and sorrys were exchanged in both languages, as soon as he walked away it was time to start the job.

Brian swiped the employee's card into a card copier and then swiped a blank one after it to get the codes and access that we needed. When the coast was clear we left our cart and started searching through the others until we found the cars.

"Hey, we found them. Yeah, second-to-the-last freighter." Brian said into the satellite phone.

I found the key box and Brian broke the glass, pulling out the keys but there was a weird look on his face. He caught something about these keys that was wrong or out of place. Something that I hadn't seen through the glass.

"What? What is it?" I asked.

"DEA tags, these cars have been seized." he said.


"I saw the agents on the train, they were a few rows down from where we were sitting."

"And you didn't think that would be something to mention?" I asked as we started pulling covers off of the cars.

"I had other things to worry about at the moment. My main goal was getting out of there and making sure that we weren't seen."

We put the keys in the matching ignitions and waited. It took the rest of the people working on this another 10 minutes to reach us. Brian pushed me behind the cars when we saw the metal lighting up.

It's obvious that this isn't their first time doing this because on the first try they cut a perfect car-sized hole in the side of the freight car. The big ass chunk of metal flew away and I was definitely surprised to see who was on the other side.

"Look who showed up." Vince said when we saw Dom.

"I'm so happy that you're okay." I said, hugging him.

"I thought I told you to lay low." he told Brian as he hugged me back.

"Been running on fumes, had to make a call." Brian replied.

"Hey! Quit talking! We only have the two-minute window." some Brazilian guy said.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked, making the guys laugh.

"Let's go Vince." Dom said.

"Haha, you don't like not being in charge, don't you?" I asked my cousin, laughing at him.

"Shut up."

We were waiting for Vince to finish and get the hell out when the Brazilian guy said something to the other guy, his right hand. I looked over at Dom and nodded at them.

"You hear that?" I whispered.

"Yeah, we'll handle it." he replied.

"Nothing can ever be easy with the three of you." I muttered, getting ready for the guy to hop in the next car.

Before he could move Dom stopped him and nodded at me.

"Ladies first." Dom told him.

I nodded at Brian and started walking over to the next car, a GT40. The other guy got up but before he could get near me Brian stopped them.

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