Chapter 6

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"How's your car? It took a nasty bump." Campos said to Brian and I felt my anger fueling again.

"It'll be ready." he replied as we followed Campos to another room.

I don't really know his first name, he goes to the restaurant all of the time with his friend Fenix and some exotic, middle eastern girl. They only call him by his last name so I never dared ask his first name. He was always nice to me and a good tipper but I never knew what business he was into and I don't really like this.

"I also heard you just got out of County." Campos said and I really had to dig deep to hold in my snickers.

"Yeah?" Dom asked.

Panic definitely started warring with the anger. Dom can blow Brian's cover just as Brian can blow Dom's right out of the water. This is not good, not good at all.

"Mmm-hmm." was Brian's response.

"You know a guy named Jim Garcia?" Dom asked and I wanted to hit him.

"Nah, big place. Lots of names, lots of faces." Brian said.

"And you, you're wanted by a lot of people, homes." he said to Dom.

"Yeah, that kind of heat can't be good for business." Brian commented and I wanted to hit him.

"Yeah, well, that depends on how you look at things. I go down, I do time, I do real time. I don't know about your other drivers, but when I see flashing lights in my mirror, I don't stop." Dom said.

"Pendejos." I muttered, making Campos chuckle.

"Do you know each other?" Campos asked, looking between the three of us.

"She's my cousin . . . and he's dating her." Dom said.

"I see . . . you're a lucky man." Campos said.

"How's that?" Brian asked.

"You're still breathing. Gentleman, to the ladies we've loved and the ladies we've lost. Salud." Campos said.

"This is where I bow out and go find my girl that I came with. See you later." I told them, getting up and leaving before any of them could say something.

It took me a few minutes to find her but I found Sasha. She was at the bar again and ordered more shots as soon as she saw me.

"What the hell happened?" she asked me.

"Nothing good, that's for sure. I'm gonna need those shots." I replied.

"That bad, huh?"

"Worse but I'm here to party so let's enjoy our time here. Did you know that Campos is here?"

"He owns all of this, well his boss does." she said.

"Oh, that's nice to know."

"Come on, throw this down and let's get to it."

"Let's go Sasha."

We were there for a while, I saw when Brian and Dom left but I stood here. I honestly don't want to go home but I don't want to go to the family home either. I don't want to deal with Dom right now and I was only renting the new apartment way back when.

I'm not an all-night party girl anymore but we do have to work later on so at about 5 am I made my way home. As silently as possible I walked into the apartment and not wanting to . . . ah hell, I'm just in a petty mood so I laid down on the sofa and covered my face with the blanket that we have there.

I didn't expect to see Brian when I woke up but mysteriously enough I woke up in bed and he was still here. I could hear him in the kitchen moving around. As much as I wanted to I couldn't stay in bed because I had to get ready for work.

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