Chapter 5

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When I woke up in the morning I was alone, not the first time, and there was a note on Brian's pillow. He said not to wait up because he's gonna be home late but after looking at the calendar and the clock, I realized that I'll probably be alive. It's already 1 pm so I know for a fact that I'll be up late. Thankfully my shift at the restaurant is 2 - 12.

That job helps pay the bills and of course, I race on the side, but Brian doesn't know. I've got a police scanner in my car so I know where to be and when to leave. I've got all of my race winnings hidden so I don't have to tell him. I only race 1-2 times a week and that's more than enough to start my 401k.

I hopped into the shower, got dressed and ran off to work. I work 4, 10-hour shifts and it works. I never thought that I would waitress but it's fun most of the time and it's really cool. You meet a lot of people waitressing, I'm especially good with big groups and families. Kids love me so I'm going to spoil my niece or nephew senseless because I'm going to insist on being Auntie Charlie.

My shift felt like it was over in 10 minutes instead of 10 hours, by the time I got home Brian was there and he was not happy at all. Maybe 10 minutes had passed and I was still standing in the door, he was still pacing and he hadn't noticed that I was in the room.

"You wanna tell me what's wrong?" I finally asked, jolting him out of his trance.

"He cheated, he fucking cheated!" he growled.

"Who cheated? B, calm down, what are you talking about?" I asked as I walked into the bedroom and started to pull off my pants along the way.

"Dom! Your cousin screwed me over."

"My what . . . agh!" I shrieked.

That was definitely not the name that I expected. So much so that I busted my ass while trying to pull my pants off. The thud was loud and painful where I hit my elbow against the night table. Brian came running into the room and made a very manly attempt not to laugh, I'll give him that. I fell in an ugly heap, pants half on, rubbing my elbow, and cursing up a storm.

"Are you . . . are you okay, babe?" he asked.

"The least you can do is help me up if you're gonna laugh at me." I growled.

"Sorry, did you hurt yourself?"

"Smacked my elbow but I"ll be fine. Now, what the hell are you talking about?" I asked after he dropped me on the bed and pulled my pants off.

"Dom made me lost my spot."

"Your spot? Your spot in what? Where the hell did you see Dom?

My anger is starting to peak because if Dom beat him it would be in a race. The same race. Then he's talking about a damn spot. What the hell is this idiot getting into that has to do with Letty's death?

"At a race, for a spot on Braga's team. We've sent 3 agents in and 3 informants, all of them came back in body bags but not me. I'm gonna take him down and Dom's just getting in my way." he growled at the end.

"You what?"

"You know they're going to capture Dom, maybe even worse. I don't want you getting tangled up in this, so stay away from him."

"What the hell? You're going undercover again?"

"Charlie, wait . . ." he said, realizing his mistake but he was interrupted by his cell phone, at 2 am.

"Go! Go answer your cell phone and play in the druggie world."

"Baby, let me explain."

"Nothing to explain, you promised me no more undercover. On top of that, you tell me that six people have already gone in and they've all left in body bags. I can't believe you would willingly put yourself in that kind of danger. Go answer that damn phone, I'm gonna shower and sleep."

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