Chapter 22

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We were in there for a few hours until baby Dominic "Nico" Garcia arrived. Being there for the birth of this child was nothing short of amazing. Mia is a warrior, a true momma warrior and nothing will ever change my mind.

"What the hell happened to you?" Brian asked when he saw the splint on my fingers.

"Mia sprained two of my fingers since Vince is too much of a pussy. He wouldn't hold her hand." I replied, punching him in the shoulder.

"Better you than me." he winced.

"So?" Dom asked.

"It's a boy!" Vince shouted.

The guys hugged and congratulated him while we waited for the nuns to come to tell us that they're ready for visitors. Brian wrapped his arms around my waist and I laid my head on his chest. I have to tell him soon and I can only hope that he's as happy as Vince is.

I ran into Mia's room first and held the baby before Vince could. He glared at me but let me hold the baby while he went and gave Mia some loving.

"There's something that we want to ask." Vince said.

"Shoot." Dom and I replied.

"We spoke about this in depth and we want you two, Charlie and Dom to be godparents." Mia said.

"You what?" I asked, all up in my feelings.

"Are you sure?" Dom asked.

"Brian, can you hold him?" Vince asked.

"Sure, hand him over." Brian replied with a smile.

Mia held her hands out for us so we took a few steps toward her, and each of us took one of her hands.

"We wanted to ask someone that we knew would take the best care of baby Nico if anything were to happen to us. His name is Dominic." Mia told her brother, making me cry.

"There is no one else in this world that we trust more to take care of our child than the two of you. I wouldn't consider anyone else for it because no one knows us like you two. We . . . Charlie you baby." Vince chuckled.

"Well, what do you expect?" I sniffled.

"Well, will you be the godparents?" Mia asked.

"Of course." I sobbed, throwing my arms around her.

"Absolutely." Dom replied, kissing her head and hugging Vince.

Mia looked at me and smiled, beckoning Brian over to give her baby Nico.

"You better get used to having a baby around and get your practice in." Mia said.

"Yeah, we'll be at your place all of the time or you'll be here. Better get used to the crying." Vince said, not knowing just how right his words were.

"Not what I meant, right Charlie?" Mia asked with a sly smile.

"Babe, what's she talking about?" Brian asked me.

"Guys, my guys, I'm pregnant." I told them, turning to look at Brian.

"Charlie . . ." Dom muttered.

"Well, I'll be damned." Vince said.

"You're pregnant?" Brian asked in a state of shock.

"Yeah, B, babe, you're gonna be a daddy." I told him.

For a good ten seconds, the room was silent. Brian just stood there staring at me and then at my stomach but not saying anything. I was starting to panic, maybe he's not ready for all of the responsibility.

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