Chapter 17

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Even though I was laying next to him I couldn't stop the thoughts that were warring in my mind, I couldn't get them to quiet down. Even though they say that this is almost over, there's a lot that still has to be done. There's still a lot of planning to do and it's a lot more difficult than they make it seem.

"I can hear you thinking, what's going on in your head?" Brian asked, pulling me closer.

I snuggled up to his side, laid my head on his chest and laid my arm on his chest where he tangled his fingers with mine. With the arm that was curled around me, he pulled my hair off of my face and kissed my head.

"This isn't anywhere near finished and you know it. We still haven't figured out how to get into the safe or how to get into the police department. This is really dangerous B." I admitted.

"I know, I know, I won't put you in any danger."

"That's not what this is about, that's the reason I was so pissed. I don't want you to protect me, I want to be a part of the team. I just don't wanna lose any of you and Reyes wants your blood. Not to mention we now have a freaking DSS God on our trail as well. I don't like the outlook of this, promise me that you'll cut out if things get too hot." I pleaded.

"Charlie, I . . ."

"Promise me, Brian, promise me that you'll come back to me no matter what."

"I promise you, I'll come back. No matter what, get some sleep babe." he said.

We got a little more comfortable and I fell asleep quickly. The dreams weren't very good but I managed to get a full nights sleep. This is gonna be a long few days but we'll get it done, and we'll get the hell out of Rio. I never thought I would say that but I can't wait to get the hell out of Rio.

I haven't really thought about where I want to go after this and that was a conscious decision not to consider it. Like I told Brian, I don't want to think about it until the money is in my hands but I can't wait that long.

Somewhere simple but big enough to house our family because we have a really big one. I want to be near the beach, that's important to me. Somewhere where I can stand outside and not have to worry about the cops catching me so, no extradition.

I woke up with a new resolve I guess, I want this to be over and I'm gonna make sure that we finish this soon. I refuse to lose anyone and all of us are going to get our big pay day. I gotta look at this as an adventure, it's gonna be a big adventure and no one is gonna get hurt. I won't let that happen.

"Alright, everyone hit the track!" I shouted.

No matter who was driving or what car they were in, it didn't work. I'm getting mad now, I'm getting really mad and that's no good. There has to be a way for this to work.

"Close, but not enough." Gisele told the guys when Han got out of his car, hours later.

"Dom, the window is too small, man. Only way we're gonna beat the cameras is with invisible cars." Han said.

"And I know just where to get them." I said, looking at Dom.

"Okay, it'll work." he replied.

"What?" everyone else asked.

"It's a Toretto thing." Brian said, shaking his head.

"We're back at it." I told him.

"Can someone explain what the hell is going on in your jedi minds?" Roman asked.

"Invisible cars, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what about them?" he replied.

"Inside of a police station, what would pass as invisible methods of transportation?" I asked the rest of the team.

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