Chapter 15

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I spent most of the day tinkering with the Bugatti because I'm hardcore in love with this thing. I think I'll get one for myself after this is over, in badass black. By the time the sun started to go down Leo and Santos still hadn't returned and I was started to get worried.

"Mi hermano, necesito que me ayuden. Alguien que abra la puerta y nos ayude a bajar una cajota." Leo said, running in and back out.

I looked up at Dom curiously and he just shrugged his shoulders before running out. Gisele opened the loading door so that the guys could back the truck up. They did all of the maneuverings and unloaded a huge ass wooden box.

Leo and Santos unscrewed all of the screws to let down the walls. Laugh, that's all I could do when I saw what was inside. This is ridiculous but it's gonna be a really good help, hopefully.

"That's the piggy bank you ordered." Leo said.

"You're kidding me." Tej countered in disbelief.

"Yep." Santos replied.

"Where in the hell did y'all get one of these?" Tej asked.

"Well, we had a life before you met us." Han said, biting back at some comment that Tej made before.

"The shadiness is real." I told them.

"Just a little." he replied, fist bumping me.

"Alright, I'll get to work on the electronic tumbler but there's still another problem; the palm scanner. Without Reyes' handprint, Houdini himself couldn't open this bitch." Tej informed us.

"How do you know it's Reyes' handprint?" Leo asked.

"Are you serious?" I asked him.

"You got $100 million in a safe, you gonna put somebody else's handprint on it?" Tej asked him.

"Tan bruto cabrón." Santos said to his friend.

"There you go with that negativity, that shit is eating you alive." Leo argued.

"No es negatividad hermano, no metas la pata." Santos argued back.

"Shut up." Leo said.

"Both of you pendejos, shut up." I said, making the guys laugh and the pair of friends glare at me.

"How are we supposed to get Reyes' handprint?" Roman asked.

"Han, you're up." Dom said, nodding at his friend.

"Sure, I like getting the easy stuff." he said.

"Let's go, I'll drive." Gisele suddenly said, walking off to her car.

"That's interesting." I told my cousin.

"Sure is, you think they're gonna get it?" he asked me.

"No doubt at all."

"Me either." he smiled.

I'm stuck, I don't know what to do. As much as I love the mechanics part there's only so much I can do and right now I'm not doing anything. I don't like not knowing what to do or feeling lost, I feel like I'm not doing anything for my team. It makes me feel like I'm not carrying my weight and if we're being honest I'm not.

This isn't my thing; I'm not really computer savvy, I'm not good at the covert things like Han and Gisele and I'm no social butterfly like Roman. I drive, I take cars apart and I put them back together, that's what I'm good at and that isn't important this time.

I mean, of course, it's important but there are other things that require more attention. I'm a fighter and a mechanic, and this is out of my wheelhouse.

I spoke to Tej and he started giving me some tech lessons. For the most part of the following two days, Tej taught me how to handle the computers. In school, I wasn't really into technology, I played sports and spent my time in the garage with the guys so none of this comes naturally. It's fun though and I'm getting the hang of it all very quickly.

Tej left me alone after two days of training, feeling confident in his teaching abilities and in my learning ability. I also learned quickly that when one thing goes really good, another goes horribly, horribly wrong.

I was checking the scanners when a few warrants popped up. All of our faces popped up on the computer screen, Brazil PD flagged us as wanted fugitives and extremely dangerous.

"Oh no, guys! Guys, we have a problem!" I shouted, covering Brian's hand with my own when he put his hand on my shoulder.

"The whole team just got burnt." he said.

"Now we're all wanted." I told everyone as they all surrounded me.

"How did this happen?" Gisele asked.

"US Diplomatic Security Service issued the warrants, an agent L. Hobbs. B, are you okay?" I asked when he hand squeezed my shoulder.

"Hold on one second. Hey Dom, is that the guy you saw in the favela?" Brian asked.

He had taken over the mouse pad. His question came after he clicked on a few things and pulled up a picture.

"Yeah." my cousin replied.

"Hobbs is the leader of the elite task force for the DSS." Brian informed everyone.

"Great." I muttered.

"So he's good?" Tej asked.

"When the FBI wants to find somebody, that's who they call because he never misses his mark. This guy is old testament; blood, bullets, wrath of God, that's his style." Brian replied.

"And right now he's hunting us? We're royally screwed, you know that right." I told him.

"Dom, we gotta move up our timeline." Han said.

"I agree, but how the hell are we supposed to do that?" I asked.

"This thing's already been difficult enough without Wyatt Earp on our asses. If anything, we need more room to breathe." Roman added.

"Roman's right, I think we need to get some fresh air." Dom said.

"Okay, how do you want to do this?" Brian asked.

"Tej, can you make a small tracking chip?" Dom asked.

"Yeah, how small?" Tej asked.

"What for?" Santos asked.

"The warrants are issued so as soon as we step out and someone sees them, they'll call Hobbs and his team or PD. Maybe even facial recognition software." Brian replied.

"What does all of this mean?" I asked him.

"We can put the tracking chip on Hobbs' vehicle and track him from here." Dom said.

"I can run with this. It would definitely have to be small though, maybe we can put it under the Gurkha." Tej said.

"Somewhere they can't easily find it because if they do, they can backtrack us and that won't be good for business." I added.

"Gold star for my star pupil." Tej said, fist bumping me.

"I learned from the best."

"Enough nerding you two, they're right though." Brian said, wrapping his arm around me.

"I like that, under the Gurkha. One of you two have to do it, you have to be able to fit under the car without anyone noticing you." Dom said.

"I'm down with it, I don't mind getting a little dirty." I told him.

"Someone needs to stay here and make sure that everything goes according to plan and to make sure that the tracking is clear." Han said.

"Let me guess, you want me to stay." I said to Dom and Brian.

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