Chapter 25

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The big guy hung up the call after that and threw me onto the crates again. Out of pure rage I just sat there not knowing what to do. I've never felt so impotent in my life and I don't know how to deal with it. The fury wreaking havoc with my emotions made me want to cry. This is not the time to deal with these damn crazy hormones, it's too soon into the pregnancy.

Without a watch or a cell phone or windows I lost all sense of time. The one thing that was obvious was when the plane started to lose altitude and soon enough the big guy came to grab me again. The cargo door was open and a car was pulling inside, it was already dark outside and I have no idea where I am.

Some guy got out of the car with some woman and both of them had smug looks on their faces. I panicked when she pulled a gun out, the fear was overpowering my rage and I don't like it. The deep, shaky breath that I let out turned to blatant relief when another car came rolling in and ran her over.

I took advantage of the distraction and starting running away from the group of people. I know that it's my people in the car but I don't know who and right now I don't care. All I needed was the distraction to get away and I have that. I heard the first gunshot and I knew who it was, that's my cousin letting everyone know that Dominic Toretto is here.

My breath was caught in my throat and it was hard to let it out. I know that the blonde chick is following me and I'm ready for her. There has to be a way out, I have to find a way back to my family.

A few more gunshots later I found myself being followed by the guy who got out of the car. I kept running, I will not let them catch me again. While I was running I passed by Brian but I couldn't stop no matter how much I wanted to. Brian got to the guy following me and they started fighting.

Next thing I know the other guy grabbed a metal pipe and I panicked. He stood in front of Brian with an angry glare on his face and raised his arm.

"No!" I shouted.

Out of nowhere, the big blonde guy fell on top of his boss, I tried to take off but I couldn't. Brian latched onto me and I just wanted to cry. He's here, he's sort of okay and we're gonna be okay. We will get out of this as a family.

"Babe, it's me, calm down." he said and I sort of faded in his arms.

My knees buckled and I just fell into his arms. He wrapped them around me and kissed my head and I've never felt so relieved in my life. I knew they would come, I knew he would come for me.

"Go!" Dom shouted when he saw us.

"Are you alright? Babe, did they hurt you at all?" He asked.

"Threw me around a bit but I'm not hurt, I swear." I replied, kissing him.

"Charlie. . ."

"I promise, I'm not hurt just a little bit of back pain from where I hit the crates but nothing life-threatening." I insisted.

"Okay, let's get out of here." he said, kissing me again.

"Mia and Nico, Brian are they okay?"

"They're fine and as soon as this is over we'll be going to them okay."

"Yeah, let's get off of this damn plane."

"Come on, let's go. Get in the car." he said as he pulled me along.

The blonde bitch followed us but Brian took care of it. He turned the car around and we flew over her, catching her off guard and making her flip over. She was in the weirdest go-kart type thing I've ever seen. When I asked Brian about it he said it was karma and promised to explain later.

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