Chapter 20

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Before Roman could stop me I ran out and into Brian's arms. The worried look on his face scared me some more but I didn't pay too much attention to that just yet. He's here and he's alive, that's the important thing.

"Uh, Brian, I'm relieved and happy that you're alive bruh, but what the hell happened?" Roman asked, pointing to Hobbs' Gurkha.

"That's a really good question, what's going on B?" I asked as the rest of our team surrounded us.

"Hobbs found us after you all left." he said.

"Where's Mia, Dom, and Vince?" I asked.

"Right here Charlie, they were helping me clean up." Vince said, slowly walking over to us.

I ran over to him, lifting his shirt where I saw the blood stain. He grimaced but let me check him out after Dom already patched him up.

"What the hell happened?" I demanded.

"I'd tell you if you would let me finish. There was a scuffle between Dom and Hobbs, his men gathered us all to take us to the airport. Reyes' men were waiting for us, they ambushed us and blew up the protection detail. Hobbs' team is dead." Brian answered, wrapping his arms around me again.

"Where's Hobbs?" Tej asked.

"Are you okay?" I asked Brian, looking him over too.

"Up there, he wanted a moment alone." Dom said.

I wrapped my arms over Brian's and squeezed, feeling the panic from earlier dissipating. I just had to make sure that he was there, he's here with me.

"I'm fine baby, I'm fine." Brian told me.

"What else?" I asked, knowing that their story isn't over.

"Elena cut us loose cause they had us cuffed. We took their weapons and killed most of Reyes' men." he replied.

"Where does Hobbs come into this?" Roman asked.

"I pulled him off of the street and brought him back to the Gurkha, that's when Vince got shot, well it just grazed him. I couldn't leave Hobbs there to be killed." Dom said.

"What happens now?" I asked Dom.

"Give me 10 minutes to figure it out. I'll let you know." he replied.

"Brian, babe, is he okay?" I asked him when Dom walked away.

"This was a close call, Vince or any of us could have died. He's lucky it was just a graze."

"Are we gonna be able to finish this?"

"I don't know babe, I wish I had a better answer for you. I'm ready for this to be over so that we can settle down. I want you out, I want to get you out of this and give you what you deserve."

"We're almost done and we'll be free. Well, sort of anyway." I said, kissing him.

"We need to move, we don't have that much time." Dom said suddenly.

"Move where?" I asked my cousin.

"I got us a flight out. We can leave Rio in the rearview in the next five hours." Han said.

"Not to run away . . . to finish the job." Dom clarified.

"What? Are you crazy, Dominic?" I asked.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Mia scoffed.

"We can't." Gisele argued.

"It's a suicide mission, the plan is busted! This is bullshit, man, Reyes, knows we're coming." Roman argued.

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