Chapter 16

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"Yes, please, we're doing this tonight and I don't want Hobbs to see you. I won't put you in that type of danger." Dom said.

"He's already seen me, my face was up there and considered just as dangerous as yours. Not to mention the fact that I was seen on the train."

"Please Charlie, just this once stay behind." Brian said.

"I really hate when you do this, really hate it, from both of you." I growled.

"Thank you." Brian said.

"Don't thank me because I'm really pissed." I told him, walking away from the computers.

Thankfully, he didn't try to follow me because he knew better. While they got ready for the night I went looking for a hideout, a place where I could be alone.

Without anyone noticing I snuck off to the roof. It reminded me of when we were teenagers, Mia and I used to climb out of our respective windows at night to look at the stars. You can really see the sky here too, we're in an old abandoned warehouse district so there isn't reliable lighting.

I could hear the guys moving around, getting things ready for later on and I seriously resented them for it. My cousin and Brian try, they push me away to "keep me safe" but I don't need it at all. I've been on the streets before, I grew up on the streets and I know how to handle myself. You don't see them telling Gisele to stay behind, I'm the common denominator and it's infuriating.

It's the way they operate and we enabled them to do so. Brian will go along with everything that Dom says and Dom, he grew up doing this. He's always been the protector, the enforcer, he's always taken care of us and we let him and now, it's biting me in the ass.

"Charlie! Charlie, where are you?" I heard Brian shout.

Wallowing in my pettiness, I put my earbuds in and laid on the ground to listen to music. I don't know how long it took them to figure it out but a playlist and a half later I opened my eyes to find my cousin standing over me. He pointed to his ears so I pulled the earbuds out but I didn't get up.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

"We've been looking for you for an hour." he said.

"Okay, and how can I help you?" I repeated.

"Brian was going crazy." he argued.

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

"Why are you acting like a child?"

"You insist on treating me like one, I might as well give you something to work with. I'm petty and you know it." I told him, getting ready to pop the earbuds back in.

"Charlie, please don't do this."

"What? Do what? Bitch and be petty because you're making me look like the weakest link in front of the rest of our team? I think I deserve it." I argued.

"No one thinks you're weak." he countered.

"You do, suddenly and for some reason, you see me as weak and don't want me involved."

"I just want . . ."

"Yeah, you want to protect me. You didn't care about that years ago, remember that you're the person who got me involved in this business. Don't insult my intelligence by saying that you want to protect me."

"Can you come downstairs please?"

"I don't really have a choice, do I?"

He held out his hand and I purposefully ignored it, I'm really feeling my own pettiness today and so is everyone else. I went straight to the computers and popped my earbuds in again pulling up the programs that Tej taught me to use.

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