Chapter 14

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"I wanna go." I told them.

"Next time, we're only going to get one car." Dom said.

"I bet you're gonna enjoy it." I argued.

"You bet your pretty face that we will, it's a street race." he replied before leaving the room.

"Don't worry, I'm sure that we'll be back quick." Brian said, pulling me up against his chest.

"If you come back smelling like a skanky racer chaser . . ."

"You remind me so much of Letty as times." he said, laughing at me.

"Who did you think she learned it from?"

"You were the jealous, catty type?" he asked me.

"I hate the jealous, catty types. Letty would just punch them and I taught her that there were other ways to make them fear you. I had the dirty mouth and bad attitude."

"Well I can affirm the bad attitude but I don't know much about the dirty mouth." he muttered with a wicked smile.

"As long as you don't come back smelling like slutty racer chasers I can show you." I replied, getting on my toes to bite his bottom lip and walking away.

"That's not fair!"

"I never said I was fair, deal with it!"

It took them about an hour and a half to get back and Brian came in driving the dumbest car I've ever seen. I mean it was almost aqua blue and tiny, a coupe, what the hell?

"Really? Where did you get that from? Papa Smurf?" Roman asked when Brian got out of the car.

"What the hell is that?" I asked him.

"It suits our purposes for the time being." Dom chuckled.

"It's a toy, Dom, what purposes does it suit?"

"It's fast and that's what we need. There aren't many muscle cars in the UK."

"Yeah, obviously." I said, walking away from the cars.

"Alright, that's enough for today. Everyone get some rest and we'll start again tomorrow." Dom told the team.

"He doesn't have to tell me twice." Brian whispered in my ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You might have mentioned something about showing me something." he muttered, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my back flush against his chest.

"Right, I might have said something about that."

"I'm holding you to that something."

"I mean, I do make it a habit of keeping my word."

"I wouldn't expect any less from you." he grinned as I pulled him along to the room.

Next morning we were on the track, well they were, I'm getting my shot later on when Tej takes over the computers. I'm more than ready to do it, I haven't driven in some time now and I'm having withdrawals.

"Okay, O'Conner, give it your best shot." Dom said as soon as we were all ready.

We spent all day going one after the other on the track but we always got caught by one of the cameras. This is honestly pissing me off, we've gotta find a way for this to work if they're gonna get all of the money. So far, no good.

"How was that one?" Brian asked after his umpteenth time.

"Camera 3 caught you." I told him.


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