Chapter 26

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"What is this?" Dom asked.

"This is me working my contacts." I replied.

"Who did you call?" Vince asked.

"That is for me to know, nosy. We're home." I told them.

Everyone got assigned a room or a sofa and knocked out. I went upstairs to my room with Brian and just laid in my bed . . . in my bed! This is freaking amazing, not that our house in Tenerife wasn't great but this is everything. My baby will be born and will come home to the place that I call home.

"What do you think happened to your condo?" I asked Brian.

"I was renting so they must have thrown everything out."

"You had a lot of things there."

"Nothing that was important, everything that I need is right here in bed with me." he said, kissing my belly.

"Smooth operator."

"For you always."

"I knew you would come back for me." I whispered.


"I knew you would come to get me. I knew you would save us." I told him, fighting the tears and taking his face in my hands.

"I will always be there for you and the pancake. You will never be in that position again, I promise." he said, putting his hands over mine.

"I . . . Brian, I was legitimately scared for me and my baby. For the future of our family, swear to me that this will never happen again."

"Charlotte, babe, I'm so sorry that you were put in this position, to begin with. I promise you, I will never let something like this happen again. I swear on my life and the life of our little pancake, this will never happen again."

"Okay, I'm gonna hold you to that."

"You go ahead, we're home now and everything will calm down." he said, laying back down and letting me snuggle on his chest.

I didn't think I'd be falling asleep but laying on B's chest and listening to his heartbeat I did. All of our family slept well into the next day and by the time I woke up, I couldn't sleep anymore.

The guys were all asleep but I found Mia in the living room with baby Nico. She just smiled and hushed me so I wouldn't wake the baby up.

"I can't believe that we slept for so long." I told her.

"I know, even the baby slept or at least he kept quiet and let us sleep." she replied.

"It's 5 am Mia, I can't sleep anymore. My body won't let me, we've been in bed for almost 15 hours."

"It's crazy, we're home." she said, looking around.

"We need to plan a family dinner, maybe today."

"No, two days time. We need to go food shopping and help everyone get set up. Roman, Tej, and Han aren't gonna want to stay here." she said.

"Yeah, that's true. Now that you mention food shopping, I'm going to Walmart. I'm gonna go and get something to make for breakfast and then we'll work out the details."

The smell of bacon is what woke the guys up three hours later, I think. The six men came down one by one and shoveled breakfast food in their faces. I made bacon, sausages, kielbasa, pancakes, toast and french toast, all of it was gone. Since I cooked, Roman and Tej insisted on cleaning which means they loaded everything into the dishwasher.

We took a few days to get everyone settled while we waited for word from Hobbs about our future. Even with our hopeful new found freedom, Tej is going back to the DR to his garage and Roman will continue to travel the world. Han is gonna go to Tokyo to honor his promise to Gisele.

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