Chapter 4

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I can only hope that he doesn't do something stupid but I had to tell him. This isn't a secret that I could keep from him, it wouldn't've been fair. To try and make things a little easier on Mia, I called Vince. Honestly, I don't know how the police do this all of the time, I made two calls and as soon as I hung up with Vince I was a sobbing mess.

Mia asked me to stay with her until the funeral and as soon as that was over she was on a plane. I went back to the house to clean as I promised her though. Brian offered to help but this is something that I need to do alone.

Mia, she told me that she was pregnant yesterday so I told her that I would take care of cleaning out Letty's things. The stress that would put on her isn't good. Brian understood, he just asked that I come home tonight since I've been here all week, I can't wait. I did notice that there was a patrol car outside the house. This disaster can only lead to a bigger disaster and more heartbreak.

I put everything in boxes to take into the garage, I'll decide what to do with them later on. When the last box was in the garage, I knew that I wasn't alone. It was like a sixth sense, something that I learned from Dom about reading my surroundings. So I turned around slowly with no weapon and sighed in relief.

"You scared the shit out of me. I told you not to come, they're staking the place out. If they find you . . ."

"They won't, come here." he said, pulling me into his arms.

"She's gone." I cried, feeling him tense up.

"Look at you, we'll handle this together." he said, wiping away my tears.

It felt good, it felt safe being in his arms again. As much as it worries me, him being here, it's just so good to see his face. Having him here after years of not seeing him and barely there conversations, it feels right having him home. Now, I have to find a way to tell him the truth.

Before I could say anything Dom turned to look at the car, his car. Well, it's my uncle's car, the one that Dom trashed before he escaped. It was brought back here and I couldn't let Mia junk it, Letty either.

"Letty and I wouldn't let anyone junk it. Even though Mia thinks it's a goddamn curse. When Letty came back she was always in here, working on it day and night. It was weird, like she knew you were coming back."

"Charlie, I want to see the crash site." he said.

"You ready to run from the cops?"

"I know how to get around, go meet me at old man Brewer's house." he chuckled.

"Old man Brewer?"

"Yeah, my old trail is still there. Go and wait for me there."

"Alright, see you in a few." I said before he left.

I'm going back to Brian's tonight but I know that Dom will come back so I left a few lights on. I don't want the cops to have any reason to barge in later on. As long as he stays away from the windows and avoids unnecessary shadows then he's good.

The drive to the crash site was made in silence. We aren't going to a party, I don't know what to say to him that would lighten the mood. I haven't suffered a loss of this magnitude ever before so all I can do is be sympathetic. I mourned Jesse but that was nothing compared to this.

He stopped the car and both of us got out. At old man Brewer's we switched to a different car, the one that he was using.

I don't know how he can stand being here, I avoid this area like the plague. Dom just stood in the middle of the street, imagining the explosion. At one point, he kneeled down, touched the ground and rubbed his fingers together. Trust my cousin to figure out and find something that the cops didn't just by touching the street.

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