Chapter 2

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"No, it's okay, she has a right to her opinion. I think I'm gonna leave for tonight, it's best." I said to Letty.

"No, you don't have to . . ."

"Yeah, go run to your cop." Mia growled.

"Later on you're gonna think back to this conversation and realize just how unfair and mean and spiteful you're being. You'll see that I'm right but you still won't accept it. Being the bitch doesn't suit you, that's my persona." I said, holding in my tears.

"Charlie don't go, this is your house too." Letty said.

"Not if she's with him." Mia growled.

"Would you stop?" Letty said.

"I know where I'm not wanted but it's okay. You can stop pretending that you're okay with this too. This is exactly the reason I didn't want to tell you but what's done is done." I told her.

"It doesn't bother me." she said.

"What? You've gotta be kidding me, this is wrong and you know it." Mia argued.

"No, what's wrong is the fact that she thought she had to hide it. What's wrong is that you're reacting the exact same way she feared, which is why she hid it." Letty countered.

"You betrayed us, Charlie, get out." Mia growled.

"Mia!" Letty scolded.

"It's okay, I figured this would happen. Letty, you know how to find me." I said, feeling the first tear start to fall.

"Charlie . . ."

"It's okay, I'm just gonna go."

The drive to Brian's place wasn't long, just over 20 minutes. It would've taken half of that but the tears were blurring my vision and I was trying to be careful. He wasn't home when I got there but I knew he wouldn't be, it's too early, he's still in the office.

I grabbed a beer and sat on the sofa, just letting the tears fall. This is what I was dreading, I knew this would happen and now I'm . . . I don't know. She threw me out of the house, she told me to leave and said that I betrayed them. Maybe she's right, maybe I should've fought harder against my feelings.

A lot of beers in a short period of time later Brian walked into the apartment. The numbers on the clock were a little blurry but I knew it was still too early for him to be back.

"What's . . . what are you doing here?" I asked, stumbling when I got off of the sofa.

"How many of those have you had?" He asked worriedly.

"A fair few . . . a lot . . . a really lot." I snickered.

"Yeah, I can see that. Have you eaten anything?"

"Not really, I'm not hungry. Why are you here?" I asked, walking over to the fridge.

"I live here."

"Ha . . . ha, it's too early, what . . ."

"Letty called me, this is as quick as I could get out." he said, changing my funny mood.

"Oh . . . she hates me, you know?" I asked, plopping my ass right back on the sofa with another beer.

"She doesn't hate you."

"She does, Mia does, she told me that I betrayed the family and told me to leave." I said, taking a swig from the bottle.

"That's just the anger of the moment. Yeah, let me have that." he said, taking the beer.

"Wait, no! I was still drinking that." I argued.

"You've had enough, let's get you something to eat." he chuckled before walking to the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry, I want a beer." I complained, pouting like a five-year-old.

"Too bad for you. Food, aspirin and a shower is what you get."

"She's gonna hate me forever." I whispered.

"No she won't, she'll realize that she was wrong and she'll apologize."

"No she won't, I told you this would happen."

"Everything is gonna be okay. Do you regret getting back with me? Do you regret coming to LA with me?" he asked.

"I . . . no, I don't. I love you too much to regret it." I replied, regretting my earlier thoughts.

"That's all I need to hear. You'll see that everything is going to be okay." he said, wrapping his arms around me.

"I guess I'll be staying here on a more permanent basis for the time being." I said, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I don't see a problem with that." he replied.

"You into drunk sex?" I asked, hopping onto the kitchen table we were standing in front of.

"I'm not drunk." he replied while I removed his suit jacket.

"I am . . ."

"That you are."

"What do you say? I'm getting hungry." I told him, unbuttoning his shirt.

"I'll have to take care of that." he replied, picking me up and carrying me over to the bed.

A while later, after I sobered up and we were eating takeout Chinese in bed I remembered something. A little something that I wanted to ask him about.


"What's up baby?"

"When were you gonna tell me that you're running Letty?"

"I . . . oh . . ."

"Cat got your tongue O'Conner?"

"That's confidential babe."

"Yeah . . . were you planning on telling me at all?"

"After the job was over."


"I couldn't tell you, babe, I wanted to but I couldn't. Letty didn't want anyone to know until everything was clear." he said.

"She's in danger isn't it she?"

"Yeah, she is but she won't pull out of it. She's dead set on seeing this to the end to clear Dom's name. I don't doubt she'll do it either, Letty scares me sometimes. She's literally the female Dom and that's terrifying."

"She really is his equal counterpart. Should I be worried, babe?"

"I wanna tell you not to worry but I know it won't matter what. Just try not to worry about it, yes it's dangerous but she knows what she's doing."

"Letty always thinks she knows what she's doing. I just hope this doesn't bite her in the ass later on." I told him.

"She'll be fine, you'll see. She's a smart girl."

"I'm worried."

"Don't worry about . . ."

"Not Letty, but I am worried about her, I meant Mia. Babe, she hates me, she even threw me out. She said I betrayed them."

"She's just mad, let her cool down. You'll see that everything will be fine."

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"You know, eating in bed is messy, you'll probably have to shower." I told him as I got off of the bed.

"What? Charlie, I didn't . . ."

"Brian, you're gonna need to shower." I interrupted, throwing the t-shirt on the ground and walking into the bathroom.

"Hell yeah." he said, jumping off the bed after me.

After a very creative shower, we cleaned the bed and watched tv until we fell asleep. Brian knows that I hate to be woken up in the middle of the night, so when his phone started ringing he took it outside of the room. I was already awake and I couldn't get comfortable without him so I walked out to the kitchen.

Something was stressing him out, this was not a good call at all. He was arguing with someone about information that he received and didn't like.

"Are you 100% sure that it's her?" he asked whoever he was talking to.

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