Chapter 18

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"Need a little help?" I asked, my hands running over his chest.

"I mean, if you wanna offer it I won't reject the help." he replied, placing his hands over mine.

"I'm definitely offering."

With a smile I lathered my hands with soap and started with his chest moving slowly downwards, remaining behind him. His jaw was taut and his hands rested against the wall as I pleasured him.

"Charlotte . . ."

"Shhh, you don't want anyone to hear you, do you?" I interrupted.

Having this personal moment with him after all of this time was very exciting. It makes me happy to pleasure him, knowing that I can do this to him serves my ego. When he let go in the shower and I felt his body shudder, I knew that it was a job well done.

"God, you are . . ."

He flipped us around quickly, pressing my back against the shower wall and grabbing hold of my thighs to pick me up. Throwing my head back as far I can, Brian leans in to suck on the sweet spot on my neck. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around my waist when he slid inside of me.

"Babe, I . . ." I moaned.

"Shhh, you wouldn't want anyone to hear you." he replied, bending in and swallowing my moans with a kiss.

Twenty minutes later we were out of the shower and in bed, having an interestingly quiet night. I know that the guys know what happened last night and why we disappeared but they didn't dare say a thing. I got all the suggestive looks and googly eyes from Tej and Roman but I ignored them.

We were running low on food supplies and I volunteered to go get some. The guys can't risk it because everyone knows there faces. I pulled on a black t-shirt, made a knot at the waist, black jean shorts with the suspenders hanging from my waist, sandals, a purse, and sunglasses.

 I pulled on a black t-shirt, made a knot at the waist, black jean shorts with the suspenders hanging from my waist, sandals, a purse, and sunglasses

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"You look cute." Brian said, nuzzling my neck.

"What did you just say?"

"I said you look cute, don't be a brat." he chuckled.

"No woman wants to hear that she looks cute from her man." I argued.

"Alright, you look sexy as fuck." he replied, grabbing me by my ass to press me against his chest and kiss me.

"That . . . um . . . okay." I muttered.


"Yeah, better, now hands off O'Conner. I'm gonna go get food for us." I told him, swatting him away.

"Be careful, okay."

"I know, I will." I replied, walking out of my room.

"Be careful, baby girl." Roman said.

"I will be careful everyone, I promise. I'm going now." I told him.

The market was really nice. Scents and colors everywhere from fresh fruit and herbs, I can't say I've personally had a garden but I would like to think it would look like this. A little bit of everything; fruits, vegetables and everything in between.

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