Chapter Two

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A week had passed since Ivy's arrival in Asgard. She struggled to fall to sleep most of the time and if she did manage to fall asleep, it was because the tears that fell down her face and onto the pillow exhausted her into a deep slumber. 

Ivy spent the majority of her time isolating herself in her room. Her first full day in Asgard, she managed to drag herself out of bed and make her way to the dining hall, but ended up having a mental breakdown over the fact that everyone she knew and loved was gone. 

Frigga ordered Loki to escort Ivy back to her room and he stayed with her the entire day, which wasn't something he intended on doing. He was going to leave, but he felt sorry for her. He simply just sat in the chair in the corner of the room and read too many books to count. They didn't talk to each other. Loki didn't try to talk to her. He wasn't sure if that was what Ivy wanted him to do, but she felt that his company was all she needed.

This went on for another two months. Throughout this time Loki was there in the corner of Ivy's room reading his books quietly to himself. Staying with her for two months to comfort her wasn't something he intended on doing either, but within the first week of being in her presence, he had realised that she had fallen into depression. Quite frankly, he didn't trust her into being by herself, and he wouldn't be able to forgive himself if something happened to her knowing he could be there to stop her from doing anything harmful.

Loki often fell worried for Ivy. Having a mental illness at such a young age? That's messed up and unfair. Sometimes, when Ivy couldn't control her pain, couldn't control the tears or the shaking or the panic attacks, Loki would get up from his chair and hold her in his arms for comfort. He had no idea what the hell he was doing. Of course out of the millions upon millions of books he'd read in his lifetime, some were about anxiety and depression, but that was all in books, and what's written in novels is very different compared to reality.

Ivy was feeling satisfactory on a cold and dreary day in Asgard. She had even spiked conversation between Loki and her which puzzled the God of Mischief to a great extent. He asked her why she felt okay on such a miserable day and she replied saying that it was because the weather matched how she felt, and therefore made her feel somewhat better about what she was going through.

They were in the middle of a conversation about Midgardian poetry, when they heard a knock on the door. "The All-father requests both your presences," the guard informed and Loki nodded his head to dismiss him. 

Ivy felt her heart rate go up. She believed she couldn't go out without having another breakdown. She believed that she would be an embarrassment to the kingdom, just another damsel in need of saving. 

"Ivy, we have to go to the throne room, father does not like being kept waiting," Loki told her. As they walked through the corridors she kept close to Loki. She struggled to maintain her breathing to be calm and gripped tightly onto Loki's arm. When they reached the throne room, Ivy took in the biggest breath she'd ever taken. The doors opened and the two children walked inside to see Odin perched on top of the throne. 

"My son, Ivy, thank you for coming, I have something to discuss with you both," Odin stated as they approached him. "Ivy, as you may or may not know, Asgard holds one of the finest schools in the universe with the finest teachers to educate the children of Asgard. It is a must that all children attend at the age four, approximately two-hundred and forty years old, which, from our studies you are three years past that age," he explained. 

Ivy felt a wave of panic run through her. 'Not now, I can't have a panic attack now', she thought to herself. Loki could feel her alarm radiating off of her like the sun giving off it's intense heat. 

"Father," Loki addressed.

"Yes my son."

"I request for Ivy to be in all of my classes," he said. Ivy looked over at Loki as a sense of relief washed over her.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐃Where stories live. Discover now