Chapter Twelve

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"Loki is a lucky one," Odin explained to Ivy who stood with her head hung low. "If it weren't for his godly abilities, he would most likely be dead. And that wouldn't look very good on your part, would it? Lady Ivy has killed the young Prince Loki."

She looked up at Odin, guilt written all across her face. The fact that Odin had brought her to the throne room to talk to her, has only made her feel more guilty and more at fault. 

"Loki is now free from the confines of the healing ward, and will be returning back to school," Ivy looked down at her feet again, expecting Odin to say that she would be taken out of his class and put into a different one. But it was far from that.

"You however, you will stay in the castle at all times and you will not go outside unless ordered to," Ivy gaped at Odin. She didn't want to have to be locked up in the castle. It was already terrible as it was. All the gold blinding your eyes, causing a headache to form. No trees or fresh air. Restrictions that were more commonly known as rules.

"But, All-father-"

"There shall be no questions," he held up his bony finger, silencing her. "You have already been taken out of school, and I have noticed that you have taken no action in continuing your education. I understand that Frigga is busy and therefore unavailable majority of the time, but you are fully capable of reading educational books stored in the library. I hope to see you being more concerned for your learning Lady Ivy."

Ivy dragged her feet along the concrete floors of the castle. She couldn't believe that she would have to spend all her time locked up in the golden sham. She knew that this was her punishment, but she felt it was more than that. She had become out of control lately, dangerous. If she continued to reek havoc throughout Asgard, she knew that something worse would happen. She wasn't quite sure what, but she knew something.

It was the usual suspect that was causing her thoughts to run far and wide. Gut feeling. It was something Ivy wished she could ignore because it only made her feel paranoid. In the end, she often felt paranoid over nothing. But this time, it was different. 

It was like a fly hanging around as you're trying to eat a sandwich. It just wouldn't go away. Not until you had finished eating the sandwich, but in Ivy's case, the fly would only go away until the cause of her gut feeling would reveal itself.

Odin and Frigga had told her on multiple occasions that she must never use her powers around anyone that doesn't know of them. They told her she must keep her true identity a secret. They told her she must pretend she is just another Asgardian. It always confused her as to why she must lie about such important things. Every time she asked the answer was always the same; because you are a powerful being and others must not know you exist or your life and many others' could be at risk. 

She had already disobeyed one of those rules that the All-father had set her. Twice. She very nearly used her powers at school, and she also used them against her best friend. The God of Mischief. It ended up putting him in the healing ward. Maybe she was more powerful than she thought. And with great power comes great danger. 

If she was so dangerous, if there were beings coming after her, shouldn't she be learning how to control her powers? Make them her main strength? Ivy wasn't sure what her entire purpose was at that moment. But she knew one thing was for sure, she was going to find out.


*not edited*

so, tis chapter twelve. sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER. i'm not really trying to have an excuse because I know there are so many other writers out there who are way busier than me, but I just started school again and i'm trying to not to procrastinate school like I always do. as much as I love writing and I need to continue this so that people can read it, school is my number one priority. another reason why I haven't been writing is because the keyboard on my laptop broke. but I got a knew one today. but it's not being set up until next week. I've also had massive writers block because I originally had an idea for this chapter but then I got lazy. also don't hate if you think this chapter is crap because I think it's crap too. anyways no one probably read this oh well. when chapter thirteen will be up is a mystery. see you then (maybe?)


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐃Where stories live. Discover now