Chapter Twenty Eight

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After the encounter Ivy had with Loki, she hadn't bothered to leave her room for she simply couldn't handle having to talk to people. They clearly didn't want her around.

Once a few days passed Frigga visited Ivy, worry evident all over her features. Ivy didn't want to cause Loki any trouble, but Frigga has her ways, and Ivy was forced to tell her mother-like figure all that had happened.

Frigga then nodded her head in understanding, got up and left the room much to Ivy's relief. Ivy noticed that since what she had decided to call the 'Loki Incident', she really didn't like socialising with people.

The next day Ivy's heart was beating heavily inside her chest as she was awoken by Loki delivering her breakfast. Most people would think that this was a kind and forgiving gesture – a way for Loki to say that he was sorry. However, it was anything but.

The look that Loki wore on his face was sour as his eyes were slits and staring daggers into Ivy's soul, his jaw was clenched and his voice was cold. Ivy was frozen as he entered the room and she pulled the covers further over herself as a form of some sort of protection as he placed the food on the table in front of the fireplace.

She thought he would leave after that; however, he turned to Ivy and said the most vile thing.

"You should eat. You haven't done so in the past two days. Unless you want to shrivel up and die," he walked to the door and stopped before leaving. His gaze was icy and evil. "It doesn't bother me."

Once he left, Ivy was forced into another frenzy of wheezing and hyperventilating and by the end of it, she was soaked in a puddle of her own tears. She stayed in bed all day and was too scared to eat the food, let alone touch it as she feared that Loki may have poisoned it. She didn't know why she thought it, but then again she wasn't sure of a lot of things anymore.


"Loki, is this not how she was when she first arrived here all those years ago?" Frigga questioned her son with concern on her face. Loki stared at his mother for a moment with a look of confusion on his face.

Frigga had consulted her son in the library as he usually used this space to get away from the stress and the chaos of King to simply do the thing he loved most; read. However, he was interrupted as his mother appeared around a corner and asked him about Ivy. Immediately, Loki became uncomfortable and the fingers that were clasped around his book tensed and his blood ran cold.

"And how was that mother?" He asked in a slightly raised voice.

"Depressed Loki!" Frigga exclaimed with frustration and grief. They were both silent for a moment, staring each other down.

"You think she's depressed?" Loki asked in denial.

"Loki, we both know that she is or she is at least travelling on that path. Why in the Nine Realms wouldn't you get rid of that stupid rule to have her locked up in that silly room for so many hours a day when you had the chance? Quite frankly you still have the chance because you are King. I'm starting to think appointing you to mind your father's place was a bad idea-"

"You didn't make the wrong choice mother!" Loki said desperately. He enjoyed being King. He enjoyed having everyone around him finally listen to him. It made him feel powerful. Except for his mother. She had a mind of her own.

"Really? Because so far you haven't proven it to me. All you've shown is how much you enjoy being King, not how much you should be King," Frigga retaliated, not taking any of her son's nonsense.

Loki was lost for words. He didn't expect the conversation to take such a turn, mainly because he didn't want to talk about the current subject.

"Loki," Frigga prompted, grabbing her sons attention. "Why do you cause her such grief? I thought you two were happy with one another."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐃Where stories live. Discover now