Chapter Fifteen

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He felt sore. Far too sore. He groaned; he was far too uncomfortable. He tried to sit up, but he was pushed back down by gravity as pain spread throughout his body. He couldn't handle the pain, it was like his body was on fire, and no matter how many times he put the fire out, he would burst into flames again. He felt a jab in his right arm and another groan left his mouth before he was succumbed into a deep slumber once again.

She didn't know what had happened. It all occurred so quickly. She had sat in her room, isolated in her confusion, paranoia and guilt. Guilty because she felt she could have tended to the situation much faster. That way Loki may not have been in the healing ward for over a week. That way he wouldn't be in as much pain as he was. That way he might survive.

Frigga and Odin had been arguing back and forth at each other for the time that Loki had been in hospital. Frigga was worried, Odin didn't seem to give a care in the world.

"He is a God! He shall be fine," Odin exclaimed.

"Odin that is tremendously arrogant. He is just a boy. Our boy!"

"Enough!" Frigga's mouth formed a thin line at Odin's booming voice. "I will hear of this no longer."

"You know Odin, you can be a real coward sometimes. A real fool. Stop casting him out just because he is different. He is your son, start acting like his father." Frigga retreated from the throne room not giving her King another glance.

Ivy had had enough. She couldn't stay confined in her room hoping that Loki was going to be okay any longer. Odin had found out that she had left the castle to help Loki. Despite the fact that she saved his son's life, the king had now confined Ivy to her room. If she leaves, there will be great consequences. She quietly opened the door and looked left and right. It was evident that Odin had doubled the amount of guards to prevent Ivy from leaving. She retreated back into her room and sat on her bed and thought. Odin may have found out that she left her room to save Loki, but he doesn't know how.

She had only done it once before, so she wasn't exactly a professional yet. However, the talent was coursing through her veins, making her a natural. She stood with her feet shoulder width apart, she closed her eyes and steadied her breathing. She could feel the addictive energy flowing through her veins. In the corner of her eye, she could see the fluffy grey cloud with blue electric sparks, she felt her body being sucked in, and before she knew it, she was at Loki's side.

"Loki," she whispered gently into his ear, making sure that none of the nurses could hear her. "Loki, Loki wake up." Accepting defeat in trying to wake him up, she brought a chair over to the side of his bed and got comfy on it.

She stared at him. She didn't know for how long, but she could feel a connection to Loki. A connection that kept her coming back to him, even after all the trouble he'd caused her, even after all the trouble that she'd caused him. She acted before she thought, and her hand reached out to encase it in his. Although they'd never held hands before, it felt as though they had thousands of times. The reason why was a mystery to her.

She looked at Loki. She observed at how at peace he looked. She didn't know what overcome her in those moments, but she found that she didn't know what she would do without him. She didn't know how she would cope. Her best friend, gone. She couldn't bear the thought.

She tightly snapped her eyes shut as a single tear ran down her right cheek. Unknowingly, she squeezed Loki's hand, her body comforting itself without her brain even realising. His hand felt rough, bumpy from the bandages wrapped firmly around it. She wondered what it would be like if they held hands all the time, she didn't know why, but she found comfort in the action. Too much of it.

She heard a groan and she abruptly opened her eyes. Ivy studied Loki's features as he stirred awake. A crease formed in the middle of his brows, and his thin pink lips parted slightly as another groan left his mouth. Ivy came back to her senses and as Loki's eyes fluttered open, she wiped the tear from her face and harshly let go of Loki's hand. He didn't seem to notice though.

"Ivy?" He rasped out after releasing another groan.

"Hey Loki." She tried to contain her happiness, but she let some of it slip by smiling slightly.

"I am in so much pain. Ow!"

"Prince Loki! Are you alright!" One of the nurses came rushing into the room, stopping dead in her tracks when she saw Ivy.

"Yes, I'm fine Eir," Eir stared at Ivy with an unsure look on her face. Eir didn't know whether or not to report Ivy to Odin for leaving her room. "Eir? Is there something wrong?"

Eir ignored the young prince and inhaled deeply. "Lady Ivy you should not be here."

"Yes, yes I know, I'll leave now if you like, just please don't tell the All-father." Eir stared at Ivy and Ivy stared back pleadingly. Loki stared at both of them, confused more than ever.

"I'm terribly sorry Lady Ivy but I'm afraid I'm going to have to- "

"Please! I just wanted to see him." Eir's lips formed a thin line before she sighed in defeat.

"Alright. Two more minutes, then you're out," Ivy gratefully smiled at Eir's retreating body.

Turning back to Loki she immediately noticed the confusion sprawled across his face. "After you taken here, Odin found out that I was out of the castle and despite it being for the fact that I was saving you he has now confined me in my room."

Loki's jaw dropped and he scolded his father. "That's bloody pathetic. He should've chained you up in the prisons."

It was Ivy's turn to let her jaw drop. She playfully, and gently slapped Loki's arm. "Loki!" Loki roared with laughter which quickly turned into pain and he held his stomach. The mood in the air suddenly turned serious and Ivy turned sincere.

"Injuries?" She silently queried.

"Four broken ribs, torn arm ligament in my left arm, broken right arm, cuts, gashes and a whole lotta bruises."

"Oh my gosh," Ivy quietly whispered, her pain for Loki evident on her face. They sat in silence for a long time. Thoughts were racing through both of their minds, but one in particular racing through Loki's. He felt that he should tell Ivy about how he'd been feeling lately, but something was holding him back.

"Ivy there's actually something I want to tell you," before Ivy could answer, Odin walked through the door, and Ivy had to teleport back to her room, making Loki inwardly cry out in frustration and misery



omg omg omg omg omg omg omg OMG WRATH OF THE MAD TITAN HIT 2K AND THE LAST INFINITY GOD HIT 100 VIEWS THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH REEEEEEEEEEE. also, it's been nearly a year since I joined wattpad and idk what to do about that (I would insert the nerd emoji, but my laptop does not enable me to do that). anyways, thank you. kinda freaking out but let's not talk about that. sorry this took so long to publish. i was procrastinating as usual.

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