Chapter Nineteen

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There was only one thing that confused Ivy more than not knowing anything about her life before Asgard, and that was Loki's birthday. He didn't enjoy it, and Ivy didn't understand why. Birthdays were supposed to be fun, however, he thought otherwise. Birthdays were the one day of the year that was there to celebrate your birth, the day you came into the world to face on the fiercest challenges and to make friends and have family and to one day, hopefully fall in love.

But no matter how hard Ivy insisted that Loki have a birthday party, Loki ignored her. Ivy was wandering around the castle two days before his birthday as she was now granted with the ability to have one day a week outside of her room, however only for three hours. She dragged her feet along the ground and her head was hung low. The same thing happened every year. Ivy would try to convince Loki to have a party, and every year Ivy failed.

Never in the five years she had known Loki had he ever told her why he hated birthdays so much. She had tried to ask Frigga and she'd even once had the audacity to ask the All-father. However the answer from both of them was the same.

"Frigga," Ivy questioned.

"Yes, dear."

"Why doesn't Loki like birthdays?"

"Oh," she sighed and looked up, trying to think of a believable lie. "I guess they're just not for him. He's never really enjoyed them."

Ivy had then gone to ask Odin.

"All-father," Ivy questioned.

"What is it you desire?"

"I was just wondering and decided to see if you would know, why doesn't Loki like birthdays? Or, more specifically, his birthday?" Odin shrugged.

"I guess he just doesn't enjoy it."

And that was that. Ivy was dismissed from the throne room. She stood outside the doors and thought. She needed to ask someone else. Every time she asked Loki he would either leave her without saying anything or he would shrug his shoulders and distract himself with another task. She stood and thought who would possibly give her a different answer other than what she had received so far. She thought long and hard, although really, she didn't need to think at all.

She sped walked her way to Thor's chambers, eager for an answer. Thor was never good at keeping secrets to himself, and Ivy knew that Loki was keeping a secret about his birthday. Once she arrived she knocked rapidly on Thor's door. He opened it and looked down at Ivy, a big smile on his face once he saw who it was.

"Lady Ivy! What brings the pleasure?"

"Hi Thor, I need to ask you about something," he leaned against his doorframe and crossed his arms in front of him.

"Well, ask away," Ivy looked to her left self-consciously and then back to Thor.

"Actually, I'd rather we talk about it somewhere more secure," Thor straightened up and nodded his head understandingly. He opened his door wider and retreated back into his room, Ivy following and closing the heavy door behind her. Thor was already seated on his ginormous bed when Ivy turned around, instead of sitting down, she decided to lean against the door.

"So, Ivy, what is it you would like to ask me?" He asked. Over the years, Thor's voice had deepened. He no longer sounded like a playful and stubborn young child, but more of a matured young adult... with a little bit of stubbornness.

"I was just wondering, totally haven't been thinking about it for five years," Ivy clears her throat while Thor subtly creases his brows. "Why doesn't Loki like his birthday?" Thor's expression immediately shows that he is uncomfortable.

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