Chapter Seventeen

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Ivy squinted her eyes as the bright Asgardian sun beamed down on her face. She was covered in a full-length blue cloak with the hood attached to it lifted up onto her head. She knew she probably looked more than conspicuous, but she would have looked completely out of place if she were to have worn a black cloak. She had decided to take a walk in town as it had been quite a while since she had been there last.

She self-consciously pulled on her hood every so often to hide her face; Odin's rules were strict, and she didn't want to get caught disobeying them once again. There were guards that infested the streets to make sure that everything was in order and remained in order.

Ivy tried to recall the last time she had visited the town, and it dawned on her that it was over five years ago when she was getting fitted for her school uniform. School, that was another thing in her unknown and mysterious life that she would have to miss out on as a consequence of being an Infinity God.

She didn't remember much from when she was in town the first time, but she did notice that there were few shops that had appeared in the time she was absent from exploring the rest of Asgard instead of causing trouble with Loki all those years. The more Ivy walked through the streets of the bustling town, the more she regretted not having visited more often. It was nothing like the castle with too many rules and so much gold. Out in the town and to be walking the streets, the light breeze whipped her face and she felt that this was the first time she had ever breathed fresh air.

Ivy appreciated the different spice stalls and the small pop-ups that sold the most beautiful smelling flowers. It made her wonder what her real home was like. Was there a magnificent castle that stood above the people that lived in the not so glorious town below? She couldn't remember hardly anything about where she was from. Frigga told her that the radiation of the destruction of her planet mayhave had something to do with the fact that she couldn't remember anything. She often wondered whether her planet was destroyed because it was too dangerous, or whether it was just too much and too extravagant and extra for the rest of the galaxy to handle.

Ivy listened to her slightly heeled shoes as they clicked against the cobbled street, she found it comforting that it didn't echo as it did in the halls of the castle. Suddenly feeling too hot in her cloak, she slid the hood off to give herself at least some Vitamin D seeming she wouldn't be getting any back in her golden dungeon. She looked around her and noticed that the street she was on looked extremely familiar. Her eyes travelled a few stores ahead to see a store that had nostalgia forming in her stomach.

Her pace quickened as she became more eager to see the store again. She placed her feet in front of it. She stared up at the store where she felt the basis of her schooling began. The place where she got her uniform fitted and the first nervousness of beginning school formed. To others, the store would seem like nothing, it was just the store they got their uniform from. But for Ivy, it made her realise how restricted her life had become. It made her realise if she would have to hide from everyone forever.

She didn't want to live like she did. Every time she got in trouble was because of her powers, and she used her powers because she was fuelled by anger. Those types of realisations made her wonder if maybe it was for the best that she was locked up in her room. Maybe she was too dangerous. Everywhere she went, she seemed to cause some sort of damage.

Just as she started to retreat back to the castle, she heard murmurs of two middle-aged women, their small children trailing behind them, their stubby legs moving as fast as they could to keep up with their hurried mothers. The compact entourage were exiting the shop next to the uniform store, they were talking in hushed voices to each other. Ivy's curiosity got the best of her and she tuned her ears to listen to their conversation. As soon as she did so however, she regretted it.

"Have you heard about it?" The first woman said, subtly dragging her child behind her, more caught up in her conversation.

"What?" The other replied.

"Apparently there's a non-Asgardian being living in the castle. She's been wreaking a great deal of havoc according to my friend who works in the castle."

"What? You mean she's there under Odin's permission?" Ivy felt like she was being stabbed. She hated to listen to the two women talk about her as if she was a burden on Asgard all because she had let her anger get the best of her sometimes. She didn't know what was worse, the fact that one of the workers in the castle had disobeyed Odin's strict orders to not let anyone know of any of the abnormal activity that occurs in the castle, or that Ivy knew they were talking about her.

"Yes, it's absolutely horrible. Apparently she put the young prince Loki in the hospital ward twice."

"She what?" Ivy winced at the mother's disregard for respect. Ivy had put Loki in the ward, but only once. It shows that she has been getting too out of control that people have been jumping to conclusions and making her seem like some dangerous monster. Although this may be partly true, she still had feelings, and these women were acting as if she didn't.

The second woman scoffed, and Ivy noticed her squeeze her daughter's hand tighter and pull her daughter closer to her body. "Well, if anything like that happened to Kira," she glanced down at her daughter who was chewing on a candy bar, completely unaware of her mother's discussion. "I would make sure the culprit would spend the rest of their life rotting in the Kurse prisons. It completely baffles me how Odin hasn't done thrown that being in the dungeons. Has he?"

"Not that I know of," the first woman replied. Her friend scoffed once again before they made their way down the street, changing the subject.

Ivy's heart rate was beating at an exponential rate. She quickly dragged her suddenly heavy feet to a nearby alleyway. She inhaled sharp breaths as hot tears escaped her eyes. Mustering all the strength she had left, she transported back to her room in the castle. The woman's words were replying over and over again in Ivy's head; 'the culprit would spend the rest of their life rotting in the Kurse prisons'. What was so horrible, was that Ivy agreed that she should spend the rest of her life rotting in the Kurse prisons.



yo bros. it has been a while... oops. i seriously didn't know how i was going to write this chapter. i had the idea, i just had no clue how to put it into a thing to read. in other words, i had writers block. i hope you enjoyed this chapter, might be a while until i update again because i don't know what's going to be in the next chapter. you're all probably just like get on with the bloody story already and get some bloody action in here *insert nerd emoji*. yeah well that's not happening for a while. or at least i think. school finishes for me in a week, so hopefully i'll be able to write more, although i am going away from home to see family, so i can't spend my entire time sitting behind my laptop because that would be rude. if you enjoyed this chapter give it a vote and if you want to see some of my other works that will be coming in the future make sure to follow so you don't miss out. see ya next time... whenever that is.

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