Chapter Twenty Seven

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At first, Loki tried to talk to Ivy, realising that the way they left off in their argument wasn't good, but it seemed that the universe didn't want them to talk. Loki hadn't physically seen Ivy since their fight, and whenever he asked someone if they knew where she was, they either wouldn't know or state that she had just left the room.

Loki relentlessly tried to find Ivy and talk to her, but after an entire week, he grew tired of trying to get her attention when she clearly didn't want it. It angered Loki even more about the whole situation and it fuelled his fresh need to show everyone that he is superior. Especially since Frigga announced to Asgard that he would be king until Odin woke from his 'Odin-sleep'.

Odin. A liar. A heart-crusher. A terrible father, but not Loki's father. When Loki found out he was a Jotun, and that his biological father was the leader of them, he was infuriated and upset. Infuriated that he was lied to about his real heritage his entire life and upset that he was one of them – the enemy. He was a monster. The monster that parents read to their children at night about.

Loki shook his head as he cleared his mind of those particular thoughts and started to think of something else. He was in his room, standing in front of his large window, looking over the Asgardian city through a small haze of mist. It had rained the previous night, making the air that day fresh and breathable which is exactly what Loki needed at that moment.

He was staring out into the void and thinking. Thinking about what kind of changes he was going to make while he was king. He knew that he should have probably been thinking about changes that would benefit the people of Asgard, or a way to stop the attacks. However, Loki selfishly wanted changes that would keep him king.

Loki now knew the reason why Thor was to be crowned king. Not only was it because he was Odin's first-born, but it was because Thor wasn't a Jotun. Odin didn't want a descendant of the enemy ruling Asgard, but Loki was going to make sure that didn't happen. He needed to make sure that if he was to continue his reign as king, then he would have to eliminate any other candidates; who so happened o be is father and his brother.

He was sick of always being the second option for everything. He wanted to be recognised. Not as a Frost Giant – he was disgusted that that was who he really was. But he wanted to be recognised as the King of Asgard. The greatest ruler Asgard has ever seen. The greatest ruler that the entire universe has ever seen. He was enraged that he was always pushed aside when he wanted to be involved in something or a part of something or wanted to be something.

Loki knew what he needed to do without a hesitation, without listening to the voice in the back of his head telling him no; he crafted a devious plan. As wrong as it was, Loki didn't care at that point in time.

He was going to kill Thor and Odin.


The past week had been hell for Ivy. She knew she hadn't done anything wrong and that Loki was probably just being his dramatic self. Even though she knew that this was probably (and hopefully) just a small part of her and Loki's lives where they battled with each other, but it still upset her greatly that Loki for some reason didn't trust her enough to communicate with her and tell her what was wrong.

She had thought that Loki knew that she would always be there for him no matter what, but clearly not. It broke her heart as much as she tried not to let it get to her. She didn't want to let it get to her, but Loki meant so much to her despite all his unforgiving flaws or his random outbursts.

What about her unforgiving flaws? She had walked out on him when he was clearly battling with something deep inside of him. Does that make her a bad person? Or did she do the right thing in walking away. She thought that maybe walking away it would give him time to think. Time to decide whether or not he actually wanted to make things right again. However, she hadn't seen him for a week, which told her that maybe he didn't want to fix things.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐃Where stories live. Discover now