Chapter Twenty Five

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Jotunheim. Frost Giants. Revenge. Ivy knew it was a bad idea the moment the words left Thor's mouth. She tried to reason with him, saying that he was only asking for trouble, however he was persistent. She then insisted that she go with them, but Thor obviously replied with, "No, it will only give them more reason to attack us."

Since Ivy knew Thor was a hopeless case, she decided to analyse Loki. He had been acting extremely strange since the Frost Giant attack. Ivy had noticed that he had become very silent and had stopped really talking to people. He also had a look in his eye which looked very suspicious. What was even more suspicious was that whenever Ivy went to talk to him about anything that had to do with Thor or the attack that had occurred that day, he would effortlessly remove himself from the room.

Despite Ivy being denied permission to go to Jotunheim with Thor, Loki, Lady Sif, and the Warriors Three to try and settle this conflict, that didn't stop her from journeying to the Bifrost with them. Ivy struggled greatly to contain her laughter as Loki tried to convince Heimdall to let them pass, but as Volstagg made his way past Loki after his failure with a snarky remark, "Silver tongue turned to lead?" Ivy could no longer hold in her humour.

Heimdall wasted no time in sending them to Jotunheim. Ivy stood next to the steps leading up to the slot for the key that works the Bifrost, staring at her friends who could potentially be getting into a great amount of trouble. Just before Heimdall turned the Bifrost Sword in the slot that would send her friends on their way, Loki turned around to look at Ivy before he left. She gave him a worried smile, but her eyes told him that she had faith he would return.

Heimdall sent them away and they disappeared into the rainbow light as they travelled across the universe to Jotunheim. She remembered the one time she used the Bifrost Bridge as clear as day. Every time she thought of the day that her home planet was decimated, along with every inhabitant on it except her, it always felt like she was reliving the feeling of grief, confusion and burning sadness. The thought of it again brought tears to her eyes as she stared out into the vast space.

The feeling of Heimdall placing a hand on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts. Ivy didn't see Heimdall often as he spent most of his time guarding the Bifrost and Ivy had spent all her time locked up in her room due to Odin's orders. Despite hardly ever seeing him, Heimdall was like family to Ivy. It amazed Heimdall but also made him quite sad how much Ivy had grown the last time they had seen each other. It showed that they really didn't see each other as much as both of them would like to.

"You will keep an eye on them, will you?" Ivy asked Heimdall, worried for her friends.

"Yes. But as I said, if their return threatens the safety of Asgard-"

"Then the Bifrost will remain closed and they will be left to die in the cold. Yep. Got it," Ivy finished for Heimdall and due to her sarcastic tone, he let out a sigh.

"You know that I wish to know how the Jotuns managed to infiltrate Asgard under the radar of my abilities. It truly baffles me. Seeming that today was the day of the Prince's coronation, I feel I am partly to blame that it was ruined," Heimdall confessed. Ivy looked up at him with a questioning look on her face.

"Heimdall, none of this is your fault. That is why they have gone to Jotunheim to uncover all this. For you and for Asgard. We just have to hope that Thor keeps his cool. He came up with some irrational suggestions in the weapons vault as to how the situation should be handled. I can't help but think that he is going to try and lighting strike the entire place to a crisp," Ivy said and Heimdall chuckled slightly.

They stood in silence for a while as they looked of into space just like the old times. It gave Ivy a sense of nostalgia that she had been yearning for a long time now. Ivy walked closer to Heimdall and wrapped her arms around him and buried herself in him. He was like a teddy bear, soft and cuddly as he wrapped his arms around her. They simply stood there, hugging each other, but it was nice for the both of them, and it was what they needed.


Ivy was sitting in her room reading when Lady Sif came stampeding down the hall to her room and rapidly knocking on her door. Ivy opened the door with confusion etched on her features. By the look on Sif's face, Ivy could tell she wasn't bringing good news.

"Sif, what happened?" She asked, worry laced all throughout her voice.

"It's Thor. Odin had to come and rescue us from Jotunheim after Thor lost control, and now Odin's stripped him of his power and cast him out!" Ivy stumbled backwards into the room and grabbed onto one of her bed pillars to keep her standing on her two feet as the feeling in her legs had disappeared slightly.

"It's terrible! We arrived back and Odin just became enraged! And-"

Ivy interrupted her and was staring at the floor, unable to look elsewhere. "Sif, I'm really sorry, but could you please leave me alone for the time being? Just to process this all."

Sif nodded in understanding before leaving and closing the door behind her. Ivy sat down on her bet, her heart racing. She didn't understand. From what Sif had said about Thor losing control in Jotunheim and it leading to him being cast out, it obviously must've been very serious. Thor banished? From his own home? And it had all happened in the same day that he was going to be crowned King. Where had everything gone so wrong?



blegh, i know this was really short and i'm sorry. just know that i'm trying my best to get these chapters out. anyways, happy new year everyone! it's so crazy to think that it's 2020 already, but i'm really excited for this year. i published the first chapter of this book december last year! like holy crap! i really hope that 2020 brings a lot of good to all of you. if you enjoyed this chapter please consider voting and commenting, it would make my day!

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