Chapter Six

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"Loki your walking is too loud," Ivy whispers to her best friend as they creep through the halls of the palace. 

"Pfft, says you stomper," Loki says. "Ow!" He whisper shouts as Ivy kicks him in his shins. The two had found themselves too bored on a quiet and boring afternoon in the palace after school. Thor was at some sort of sport practice so they couldn't harass him and maids were too busy for whatever reason so they had been told strict instructions by Queen Frigga herself not to harass them either. And speaking of Queen Frigga and King Odin, they were nowhere to be seen.

As usual to cure their boredom the two children would cause havoc throughout the palace. They had stolen ingredients from the chefs in the kitchen to watch them fret over their vegetables that had 'magically' disappeared. They're not supposed to, but they even went so far in ripping some vegetables from their roots in the garden so that the gardeners the next day will furiously have to replant them.

They had snuck into the combat grounds and playfully sparred with each other. Neither of them were terrible nor good. They obviously did not have the skill to spar properly but with proper training they could be lethal. Not that they would need to use weapons, they have weapons of their own.

Ivy had won two games against one to Loki much to his dismay. They had attempted at a fourth game, but Loki had found himself becoming tired due to playing on the defense.  

They had placed a spell over Thor's bed so that he will wake up to rainbow hair. The joy they will receive in the morning is hearing the high pitched girl like screams coming from Thor's room as he looks in the mirror and watching him shout at the nurses to find an antidote. They eventually made their way to sit in the confines of the shadows cast by the unlit walls in the sleeping chambers. 

"Loki," Loki hummed in response as Ivy said his name. "How did you get your powers?" She looked over to Loki who furrowed his eyebrows and looked up in a thinking state. 

"Well, mother as you know is a witch, the good kind obviously, and, she says that I was born with powers but I think that I gained them over time," he replied.

Ivy rested her head on Loki's shoulder and he tensed. Immediately she removed her head and their eyes connected. A strange feeling formed inside both of them and Loki started to take in sharp breaths as he noticed the hints of faint green and violet specks in Ivy's brown eyes, three colours he has never seen be combined in an eye colour. 

Suddenly Ivy looked away and down at her hands. Loki proceeded to look away as well and awkwardly cleared his throat. "Um, what do you mean by that?" Ivy asked in any attempt to clear their minds from what just happened.

"I don't think I was born with mothers powers because it took me time to summon the magic. For mother it took her as quick as she was born," Loki said staring ahead, unable to stop playing the sight of Ivy's eyes in his mind.

"Oh." There was a long silence as they sat there on the floor against the palace wall. "Loki, do you think that I will ever be able to get powers?" Loki snapped his head towards Ivy at her question. He looked at her confusedly which caused Ivy to frown back at him.

"Is there something on my face?" Loki continued to stare at Ivy with thoughts racing through his mind. Since Ivy arrived four years ago in Asgard and Loki clearly had no idea who she was, he did some snooping and overheard his parents talking about Infinity Gods. So he went to the restricted part of the library and found a book about Infinity Gods. 

It was hidden in the secret vault, which he found on a different snooping occasion and it is almost impossible to get it without being caught. But him being the God of Mischief, it wasn't too challenging.

He took the book back to his room and read it in one night. The book had everything. From how the Infinity Gods came about to their powers. Loki knows that they gained their powers from the Infinity Stones, but why doesn't Ivy know that she has those powers?

He was about to ask her why she doesn't know she has powers when they were interrupted by faint yelling from down the hall. Their heads spun to the source of the yelling which was becoming more distant by the second. 

"Odin! Odin come back!" They heard the whisper yelling of Frigga and could make out her shadow following a very angry looking Odin. "Odin!"


"No what? This is an important matter! We have new information about potential threats!" Frigga said as she followed Odin into their chambers.

"I knew about this threat when he decimated a planet over two-hundred years ago!" Odin shouted back. Frigga closed the door but it remained open slightly in favour for Loki and Ivy.

"You are talking about Thanos? No?" Frigga asked.

"Yes," Odin said and sighed deeply. Confusion washed over Ivy as her and Loki listened to this information. This so called Thanos decimated an entire planet? The back of her mind thought about how her planet was decimated but she shook the thought off as she focused back on Odin and Frigga's conversation.

"If he finds he-"

"He won't!" Odin raised his voice and the children jumped at his booming voice.

"But if he does Odin," Frigga said again but no answer is returned. The door opened wide and Odin walked out. Ivy opened her mouth to gasp but Loki's hand covered it before she could do so and his other arm pulls her into his chest.

Odin stopped in front of them and squinted his one eye in their direction. Ivy could hear Loki breathing quietly in her ear and she tried to breathe as quietly as possible as well. They stood like that for the next few seconds as Odin continued to stare at a blank wall. He shook his head and muttered under his breath 'I'm seeing things now, I'm going crazy,' before walking away.

Once Odin had left the hallway Loki started walking Ivy to his chambers still with his hand enclosed over her mouth and her still pulled into his chest. As they entered the room Ivy released herself from Loki's grasp and stared at him with her mouth agape.

"You made us invisible!" She exclaimed excitedly and Loki shrugged.

"It was an illusion actually."

"But it made us look invisible!" Ivy said again.

"Sure whatever," Loki said as he made his way over to his bed and propped himself against the bedhead and started reading a book. 

"Why are you all of a sudden so moody," Ivy queried.

"I'm not moody," Loki replied not looking up from his book.

"Yes you are," Ivy stated but got no response. She let out a frustrated huff and left the room and Loki read on. Once she was out of sight Loki let out a sigh. He wasn't moody, he was just confused and he was pretending to be moody to cover up how he really feels.

He doesn't know why he gets so nervous when Ivy touches him or rests her head on his shoulder. He doesn't know why he finds her eyes so intriguing and the way she talks so fascinating. Everything she does is just because they're best friends. Right?



I'm not even gonna apologise for not updating in a million years because you should already know that I'm sorry and my only excuse is that I'm lazy. I've also had writers block but that's because I'm lazy and my brain doesn't wanna work properly so yeah.

Comment, vote, follow all that jazz. I'm gonna try and get chapter seven up next week. Imma be pRoDUcTivE. maybe.

Also the frickin Avengers Endgame trailers? Yes please but no thank you. STEVE ROGERS IS SHAKING. THAT IS NOT NORMAL.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐈𝐓𝐘 𝐆𝐎𝐃Where stories live. Discover now