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Chapter 2
Kain opened his eyes from his phone that ringed non stop. He raised his head and looked around the office that was messy from last night and laid it back down. He regretted it. He got up pushing Morgan off of him on to the couch where he was laying at.

He quickly got dress and started to head out. He picked his phone up and noticed he had a ton of missed calls from his wife and Griffin. On his way out the office Morgan's phone rang, waking her up. One look at her forgot what he was doing.

"Where's my phone?" She quickly rolled off the couch on to the floor and got it from under neath the coffee table. She quickly answered it and placed it by her ear. "Hello? Mrs. Land I'm so sorry I missed your calls. I was in a meeting."

The lady bickered about her appointment being at 9 o'clock in the morning and it was going on 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Morgan handled the phone call before hanging up and looking at Kain who was staring at her.


"Wuss ya name ma?" He asked squinting his eyes at her. "For what? One time thing, member?"

"I asked wuss ya name. Not all that otha' shit." Morgan looked at him before telling him her name. "Morgan. You?"

"Mawgan." He repeated in his New York accent. "Kain."

"Well Kain, dick was great. Thanks." She said nodding her head and he chuckled. "Ight shawty. I'll catch you on da' flip."


Kain pulled into his drive way and walked into his house to see one of his step kids, Jeremiah pouring himself something to drink. "Wussup dad."

"Why you not at school?" Kain asked him. "Because I'm sick." He faked a cough and looked at his step dad for a response. Kain sucked his teeth and lightly pushed Jeremiah towards the stairs. "Go get ready." Jeremiah sighed and walked up the stairs, slowly.

Kain knew Quin was about to bombard him with questions because that's what she did every time he would spend a night out and he would answer each of them truthfully and he didn't plan on changing that.

Him and his wife had been married for the last 5 years and Kaine was accepting the fact that she had 5 kids and they were all under the age of 10 and they both were 24.

He walked up the spiral staircase into his bedroom to see her in bed watching re runs of Scandal. "What you doing in bed? It's like 4 in the afternoon."

"Exactly. So where the fuck was you at Kain?"

"Handling business." He said sitting at the edge of the bed taking his timberlands off. Right after he left from Morgan's office at the club he went to go check up on a few things at a couple of his trap houses.

"You didn't even come home last night. Where the fuck were you?" He took his clothes off and put it in the hamper along with some of her dirty clothes she left on the floor. "The club." He went into the bathroom and turned the hot water on and rinsed off the sex he had last night.

Flashbacks of her moans haunted him, them laughing and giggling from falling all over the place, both of them having orgasms numerous times, her making those fuck faces had his member standing all the way up again. He switched the water to cold and finished what he had to do in the bathroom. He wrapped his towel around his waist and walked back into the room. He seen Quin look at his neck then chest then back to him.

"You cheated on me?" She asked more like telling both herself and him. "Yea."

"Daddy was right."She said causing Kain to roll his eyes. "How long has this been going on?" She asked sounding broken. "Only last night" He said pulling his clothes out.

"Who is she? Will you be seeing her again? Do you love her? Was she better than me?" Kain sighed and sat on the edge of the bed to grease himself. He started to grease him self down and slide his boxers on. "You don't know her. I don't even know her. I probably won't be seeing her again. No I don't love her.."

"Was she better than me, Kain?" He looked at her in her eyes. And thought about telling her the truth. "Nah, no where near."

"So what was the point of it?" She asked letting a few tears slide down. "It just happen." He spoke honestly while sliding on some blue jeans. "Is she prettier than me?" Kain sighed out of annoyance. "No Quinae." He slid on his shirt before putting on his do-rag. "Get out. And don't come back." Kain chuckled and fixed his timberlands that he put on. "That's cute."

"Kain I'm not playing get the fuck out my house!" She screamed from the bed.

"Lower ya voice before my son hear you." Kain said putting his chains, watches, earrings, and rings on. "He's not your fucking son! That's my son! Matter of fact, Jeremiah!"

"Say some dumb shit to him if you want to." Kain put on his blue bomber jacket then put his guns on. She opened the door and yelled out his name again. "Jeremiah!!"


"C'mere." Jeremiah came out of his room with his book bag on ready to go to school. "You ready for school man?" Kain asked him and he shook his head. "Ion wanna go daddy."

"Wh-" Quin cut him off. "Stop calling him that he's not ya fa-"

"Yo man. Go start the car for me real quick." Jeremiah eyes lit up with pure happiness. "I can choose which one we can take?!?" He asked excited

"Yea just wait in the car for me. I'll be down there." Kain said and Jeremiah took off to the garage. Before Quin could even comment on what Kaine was doing she was up on the wall, in Kain hands being chocked out. "You wanna be mad go ahead but don't take that that shit out on my kids. I don't give a fuck who busted in you to make them kids. They still mine. Let one of my kids come to me with some stupid shit you said to them. And I promise you ima try and kill you. Hurt my kids if you want." Kain drooped her and she started to gasp for air.

"If you wanna get a divorce over something childish let me know before I do something big for yo ass. Don't want you having a baby on me again while I'm doing something for you and my kids." He said walking out the room.


"Where you was at last night Mo?" Justin asked as Morgan laid in the bed underneath her covers.

She had just got out the shower from a nice shower and a nice orgasm she pulled off from her flashbacks of last night.

"I was out with my friends, J." She said trying to sleep. "Today's my day off let me sleep."

"So you not gone explain those hickeys on ya neck, those scratches on ya back and ass. Like dead ass yo?" He asked getting mad. "And since when did you wanna stay in the house on ya day off?"

The day after I got some bomb ass dick.

"Do I ever say anything when you have hickeys on ya neck?" She asked tiredly. "Yea." "So why you tripping?" She responded back quickly.

"So who you fucking? Since you not running the pussy up fa' ya own nigga. Who you gave my shit to?" Morgan rolled her eyes and then shut them. "Goodnight Justin."

"Morgan wake ya ass up!" Justin yelled at her and the room door busted open and a couple of her security guards came in. "Problem?"

"Yea it's a fucking problem. Y'all let this bitch go out and fuck some nigga?" He said pissed as hell. The security guards looked at Morgan for approval and she nodded before saying, "Get rid of him."


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