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Chapter 12
"Hello, gentle men. How may I help you?" Morgan asked the two white police officers and they smiled at her beauty. "Ms. White. I'm sorry to bother you on this beautiful morning but we're hear to notify you on your club that was on Elmwood st. 'Spicy.'" They said and she nodded L's "Yea, what about it?"

"It was burn down this morning around 3 going on 4." Morgan gasped. "Was anyone hurt? Is everyone okay?"

"We don't know how many victims was in the building. That's why we are here. Where were you around that time in the morning ma'am?" One of the officers asked pulling out his pen and notepad. "Here in bed. How'd it get burned down?" She asked worried and the other police officer licked his lips looking at her slowly.

"Um- we don't know yet. But once we do, we'll be coming straight to you. Do you have a number that we can contact you with?" She nodded and gave them her phone number and he handed her his card. "Call us if anything pop up about the situation. Or just in general, I know it's hard loosing a build that brought in a lot of cash."

Morgan nodded crossing her arms with a pout on her face, "Thank you guys so much. I really appreciate it."

"We're just doing our job ma'am. Have a good rest of your day." He said walking away and Morgan returned the favor before going and ripping up the card and putting it in the sink under water.

Never know if they put a recorder in the card or anything. "They're gone." Morgan announced to Kain and Griffin and they came from the back.

She took her robe off that was covering her dress and put her fur jacket on along with her heels. "I have to go to work. I'll see you later."

"Ight." Kain nodded and Morgan left the apartment.


Kain walked in with Griffin behind and seen Morgan's trashed up house. The glass coffee table was broke, her couches was cut up and cotton was everywhere. Her flat screen TV had a knife in the middle of it. In the kitchen was a bunch of broken glass and dishes. Then in her room her tv was in the tub with water in it and all her clothes was torn up or had bleach with it and all her jewelry was gone along with her heels. The flowers was still all around Morgan's room but it looked like they'd been kicked around. On the mirror in the bathroom was "Leave my man alone bitch." In red lipstick with kisses and her all her makeup stuff was in the toilet.

The heel of her heels were broken and her mattress was cut up. The guest bedroom got trashed up too. Her whole condo was fucked up and she was beyond pissed. And to top it off all her security was dead that was watching her condo.

"Damn, who fucked her place up?" Griffin chuckled as Kain looked at the mess in Morgan's condo. They slowly walked through the condo looking at the mess.

"Mawgan?" Kain called out looking around for her. He walked into the bathroom and seen everything. He looked at Morgan staring at the words on the mirror.

Griffin walked in the bathroom after him looking at everything. "Yo who ever did this. Was not playing."

"I swear to fucking god. I'm going to kill that bitch with my bare hands." Morgan said too calmly. "Mo-" He reached to touch her. "Don't touch me, Kain. Please don't fucking touch me. I'm done. She can keep the jewelry and what ever else she had. I don't wanna see you anymore." She said about to walk out but Kain grabbed her by her wrist pulling her back.

"Fuck you mean you done? Yo ass ain't going no fucking whea'. You mad because she fucked ya shit up, Mo? I'll buy-"

"No, I'm fine. I'm good. I told you we should have only done it once. One time. That's all I asked for. This bitch know where I fucking sleep at. I'm good on you Kain. Fix your relationship with your wife because if this bitch come anywhere near me, I promise you your kids won't grow up with out a fucking mother. I will snap this bitch neck, Kain. Im done." She said walking around him and out the bedroom. She had her arms crossed and her fur jacket still on.

She had came home to change then go to work but this what she came home too. All she wanted to do was shower now and smoke. All this stress because of a nigga. She lost one of her best clubs, her house is torn up, all her clothes was ruined, all her beautiful jewelry she just bought was gone. Morgan was beyond pissed. She had to get out the state before she made it bleed red.

"Bring yo ass here." Kain called after Morgan and she didn't stop speed walking out the condo. He jogged a little to catch up to her and when he did he yanked her back to him. "Can you please stop touching me." She asked calmly. She felt like she was going to burst at any moment now and she didn't feel like dealing with Kain right now.

"Where do you think you going?" He asked grabbing her face and looking into her pretty eyes.

"Kain I just wanna be left alone right now. I'll call you when I can." She said trying to get out his grip but he held her still. "I know you mad about all this shit and I truly am sorry but I didn't do this." Morgan looked at him with the same facial expression and he continued to stare in her eyes.

"I'll handle her alright?" She nodded knowing what ever she was gonna say wasn't gonna matter to him. He kissed her pout that was on her lips before letting her go. "We can go to my condo alright? You can stay there until I get ya stuff situated." She nodded once more and they all got on the elevator to go down to the garage.

Morgan sat in the back of Kain's truck as he drove to his condo all the way deep in the suburbs. Her mind was running a thousand miles per hour coming up with scenarios to kill this bitch. She wanted to see crazy. She was gone see her crazy. She tried to contain this side of her but it's bitches like her that make her just wanna let that side run loose. But then again she understand what she did. Morgan knew she took what was hers, the love of her life and Morgan felt like she had every right to fuck up her shit. But she didn't want Quinae to think she got away with that shit or she was a weak bitch. She put her ass to sleep once she'd do it again.

She was most angry with herself. Her mother told her to not let a man in her life like she was doing with Kain and she see why. All he bring his drama and good dick.

Good dick that wasn't hers. But that didn't matter anymore, Quinae pushed too many of Kain's button and Kain had officially fell out of love with her but still loved her kids. Kain was deep in feelings about Morgan and she knew it but didn't wanna see it. She didn't like it either. Love is the weakest thing in the game and they BOTH knew it. So why would she proceed in it?

Morgan looked over at Kain holding her door open for her. She didn't even know they had stopped. She stepped out and Kain led her and Griffin to his condo.

Morgan thought this was so stupid. She had billions of houses, condos, apartments she could have stayed in she didn't have to depend on Kain at all but she stayed quiet and let him do what he felt was best.

Once they made it to his floor Kain used his key and they walked in looking at the beautiful condo.

Kain took Morgan to his room and showed him where his little bit of stuff he had here then left her alone. Morgan pulled her fur jacket off and put it at the end of the bed then slipped her dress off along with her heels.

4 hrs later Kain walked back in his condo seeing Morgan laying there asleep. He'd been out doing errands and even took his kids out cloth shopping.

After he took a long shower, greased himself down, and put some new clothes on to go to bed in he did just that. Climbed in bed and pulled Morgan in his arms even though she didn't like it. He looked at her features and felt his heart beat skip a beat. God really took his time with her. He ran his finger slowly over her bottom soft bottom lip causing her to move around in her sleep a little. He tried to not love her so much and that's doing things like not talking to her all week or a couple days but his love was still there for her.

He pulled her closer to him wanting to fill up the empty space between the two. He loved her genuinely and would do anything to make her happy, long as she was with him.


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