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                                 Chapter 15
Morgan held Kain's phone out for him as he signed the paper to leave jail. He looked up at her and took his phone before leaving out the station. She ran a hand down her pant suit as she followed him. Morgan's high limo Jeep was waiting for them as they walked down the steps and into the truck.

Once Morgan got in the limo and the door closed behind her Kain finally let go what he had to say. "You can stay here and act like we never spoke to one another. I'm tired of yo ass."

"Really?" She asked with happy sarcasm. She laughed and crossed her legs. "Because your fucking crazy." She smiled and Kain continued to look at her with the same facial expression. "But I'm crazier, Karan."

Kain looked out the window and started to stroke his over grown beard thinking about her. She was really about to be the death of a nigga and he didn't like it.


"Happy late birthday." Morgan whispered over to him as they laid in the silk sheets on the plane. "If you try and leave me again. I'm going to have to kill you. No questions asked. Okay?"

"Didn't you just ask me if I cou-" Kain continued to look at her and she stopped talking. "You heard me right?"

"Yes, Kain. I heard you."

"I'm not playing Mawgan Angel Martina White. I will fucking kill you and the next nigga you look at the wrong way." He spoke in his thick New York ascent.

"How do you know my whole name?" Kain ignored her while rubbing her ass in his arms. She lifted up from being on him and got out the bed and towards the bathroom.

Kain looked over at his gun that was sitting beautifully on the nightstand next to him. Thoughts of his brother dead and Don putting a bullet through his skull along with Morgan whispering in his ear telling him to do so. Fuck loosing his brother he lost his heart. He pulled the sheets back and grabbed his gun before pulling his sweatpants up and walking towards the closed bathroom.

His best man told him to out this bitch and he wouldn't because of what? Pussy? The Kain everyone knew in the streets don't play that shit if you was associated with anything that had to with his brothers death you were dead. But she was different. He didn't wanna see it but he did. Then again the old Kain wouldn't give a fuck what's stopping him now?

Kain finally pushed open the door and seen Morgan pointing a Rose Gold Glock at him. "Do you really think I'm that fucking stupid? You don't think I got cameras all on this bitch?" She scuffed and put her gun down and he tried to walk towards her but she put it back up. 

"Shoot me." Morgan let a bullet fly into his left leg and then another in his right arm. Joseph ran in the back and seen Kain bleeding out in the bathroom doorway. "B-b-boss-"

"Back ya studderin' ass up." Morgan said pointing the gun at him and he did so. "Kill me, Mawgan."

"So you can be happy?" She laughed and shook her head, "Fuck no."

"You love me."

"You wish." She laughed walking past him as he slid down on the wall bleeding out. Kain stared at her as she walked out of the bathroom and towards the bed. He clutched his gun in his hand and sent 2 bullets to her back causing her to fall to the floor. "Boss!" Jospeh yelled and ran over to him as Kain tried to get up. Once he got up he walked over to Morgan by the bed and flipped her over seeing blood coming from her mouth.

"Never turn ya back baby." Kain spoke looking down at her and she smiled showing her red bloody teeth. She coughed up some blood before speaking, "Always do head shots, baby." She said reaching over and hitting the red button that was under the bed and security guards came sprinting from the front of the plane with submachine guns.

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