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                          Chapter 13
Kain opened his eyes and no longer felt Morgan in his arms anymore. He sat up and looked around the room before getting up and going to the bathroom to do what he had to do. After he was finished, he went downstairs and looked around the condo for Morgan. When he couldn't find her he walked back up the stairs and grabbed his phone and dialed her number and it went straight to voicemail.


"Pick your favorite arm." Morgan said burning her machete. Quin cried and cried. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

"Pick your favorite arm or I will." Morgan said not having all day to play with her. "My right arm is my fav-" She cut herself off with a loud scream when Morgan cut her right arm off. Morgan sighed, satisfied with what she've done. "Clean this up." She said handing the knife to one of the doctors who was standing in scrubs waiting for her to be done so they can wrap up Quins arm.

She wanted her to suffer not die. She wanted it to be a long lasting affect and now she will be living with one arm for the rest of her life.

The doctor took the knife and they began to clean and wrap Quinae up as she began to sweat and faint. "Ms. White your phone." Morgan's main security guard said walking up to her with the phone in his hand.

"Who is it?" He shrugged. She took the phone and placed it by her ear. "Hello?"

"Where the fuck you at?" Kain asked through the phone making Morgan sigh. "I've told you that I'm done. I can't do this anymore. Bye Kain." She hung up and handed it back over to her security guard.

Quin passed out with her head back over the chair while the doctors continued to work on her. "Wake up." She said slapping her face a little hard waking her up.

She looked at Morgan with fright and fear in her eyes as Morgan fixed her watch. "Kain is all yours. You do not have to worry about me fucking your husband or your husband fucking me because you will be fucking your husband. I am not a home wrecker and I will not proceed in any time or contact with your husband. He is your husband fix your relationship with him, you have kids together and I wish you guys the best. You can keep the jewls as another reminder of me. From now to on you do not know me. You've never heard of me. You've never even seen me in your entire life. Do I make myself clear?"


"If I hear that Quinae Williams has spoken on Morgan Whites name you will have no body parts left and I will sit and pull down each and everyone of your fucking teeth. Got it?"


Morgan nodded and left out the warehouse. She had a plane to catch.


2 days later

"I love you with my entire heart, Kain. I'm sorry. I fucked up big time. I know and I'm sorry." Quin stood in front of her husbands office and continued to rant about how she messed up and how she's ready to make things right but his mind been on Morgan every since she disappeared from his house.

"Do you know where she went?" Kain asked not really paying her attention. Quinae felt a tear drop. "Kain, I'm trying to- apologize. I truly am sorry. And-"

"Do you know where the fuck she went?" Kain asked again. Quinae shook her head as more tears dropped. "You don't love me no more." He licked his lips and sat back in his chair more. "I'll always have love for you, Quinae."

"But you don't love me no more huh? Why not? Is it because of her? I won't get mad or try to do anything to her I just wanna know. Is it because of what I told the kids? Is it because of what my father did? I-I'm sorry Kain. Just don't leave me." She whimpered. Kain just couldn't do it. She pushed Morgan to the point where she got fed up quickly and when she wanted to leave him because of her actions and on top of that, she hurt his kids deeply.

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