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I walk into my apartment with beer bottles scattered across the floor I kick them out of my way as I make my way to my room. I swing open my door to find  my mom sprawled across my bed naked. "Mom what are you doing?" I cover my eyes and my mom rolls over under the covers.

"What are you doing in my room?" My mom slurs out right before I hear a loud thump.

I uncover my eyes to see my mom laying on the floor with the cover wrapped around her body. "Mom! Are you okay?!"

"Yeah I'm okay just a little bump on the head." She looks up at me and smiles a laugh following. "You know you look a lot like your father that son of a..."

"Okay mom that's enough lets get you to bed."

"Okay honey." I wrap her arm around my neck and carry her to her room and lay her down.

"You really have to stop this mom. We don't have enough money to cover the house and for you to be drinking like this."

"I know honey I'm going to that group you signed me up for last week."

"Mom you've been saying that every day since I signed you up."

"Oh honey don't you worry about anything I'll be fine." She puts her hand up to her mouth and her eyes go big before vomit starts to slip through the creases of her fingers.

"Mom come on." I run to the bathroom and bring the trash can for her. I grab a rag and run it under some cool water, I lay it on her forehead and leave her to rest.

My mom has been drinking ever since my dad left us when I was nine and I've been taking care of her since. I'm not mad at him for leaving my mom, she has always been a mess but I am mad at him for leaving me with her. He left to live a town over with his dream family apparently I have a younger sister that I've never met and I don't plan on meeting anytime soon.

I go back to my room and pull out my safety kit from behind all my shoes. I lift the lid up and take out shards from a broken glass bottle. I rub the shards against the scared up skin around my wrist. Tears run down my face as I think about my dad and about my now dead friend. Everyone blames me for her death after her parents told everyone I told her to cut herself. The news station came to my house while I was at school and my mom was home drunk. They were low enough to interview her in her drunken state, this didn't help me if anything it made things way worst for me. People told me I was like my mom a no good for nothing and my dad was smart to leave me.

These thoughts run through my mind as the glass breaks the skin, I bite my lip to stop myself from screaming out in pain. I'm sorry mom I'm sorry for burdening you.

Sam Dying RoseWhere stories live. Discover now