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The next morning I put on a long sleeve to cover up my scars and put on the hoodie I wear everyday. I brush my hair into a ponytail and brush my teeth and wash my face. I grab an apple and rush out of the apartment. I walk to school by myself now that my best friend is dead, everyone else thought I was too weird to talk to. Once I reach the entrance I flip my hood over my head and look down so I don't make eye contact with anyone.

I open my locker and push my book bag into it. "Sam Sam look!" A male voice screams from behind my locker door. He throws a balloon filled with something but I'm not sure what. Red liquid seeps down my face and onto my shirt.

"W-What is this?"

"Pigs blood Sam Sam." A group of boys behind him burst into laughing fits. Tears sting my eyes and I run to the bathroom.

I run into a stall and slam the door behind me. I wait for the late bell to ring so I'm alone. Sobs come out of my mouth like vomit I can't hold in any longer. "I'm so sorry Naomi!" I scratch at scabs on my arms before blood flows from them. A scream comes out of my mouth and I slam my head against the stall wall.

"Hey do you mind not making so much noise I'm trying to have a smoke over here and you're blowing my high."

My eyes go wide and I cover my mouth. "Sorry I didn't know someone was still in here."

"It's whatever. You okay in there?"

"Yea I'm fine." I pull down my sleeves and open the door. I'm not surprised to see Sarah standing next to an open window with a blunt hanging loosely in her hand. 

"Whoa what happened to you?"

"Um nothing."

"Doesn't look like nothing to me. You want a smoke you look like you need it."

I nod slowly and she places the blunt in my hand. I take a deep breath before smoking, I blow it out and start coughing.

She starts laughing ,"You okay there?"

I smile and nod, she takes it back and takes another puff as she looks me over.

"You cut huh?"

I reach for my sleeves to realize they're down.

"Don't worry I can't see your scars but I can tell from the blood staining your sleeve. You should probably pull that down." She nods toward my hoodies sleeve.

I slide it down my arm and she stomps the blunt out.

"Welp time for me to go."

"You're going to class?"

"That's funny." She lets a smile appear on her pink lips.

"Oh okay."

"Why do you want to come with me?"

"Uh sure not like I can go to class like this."

She Shrugs her shoulders and pulls her black hoodie farther up her shoulder. "How about we skip school all together."

"Okay but were are we going to go?"

"Well I was going to go meet up with my friend's at the park but you look like you just killed somebody."

"Well I can go home and change I don't live far from here."

"Okay whatever let's go." I follow Sarah out of the building and lead her to my apartment. I climb the stairs to the second floor. I take a deep breath and open up my door. The stench of beer roams around the room and as expected beer bottles liter the floor. "Nice place, you do this all by yourself?" Sarah says in a sarcastic voice.

Sam Dying RoseWhere stories live. Discover now