"Oh my God not you again."

"What not happy to see the guy you made out with last night?"

"Not really." I push passed him to grab what I came for.

"Why in such a rush?"

"Trying to get away from you if you must know." I start walking to the front of the store before he grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"Why are you trying to get away from me I have done nothing to you." He plays innocent with a childish grin on his face.

"Are you serious you raped my mouth with yours I think that's enough a reason without Theo telling me to stay away from you."

He furrows his eyebrows and looks at me in confusion. "Why would he tell you to stay away from me?"

"I don't know he just said you were bad news."

He bust out laughing in the middle of the store causing people to stare. "That's rich that really rich coming from him out of all people."

"Why is it rich coming from him?"

He gives me a mischievous look before dropping my wrist. "That's not my business to tell."

"I swear if somebody breaks into my house and tries to kill me I coming after all of you."

"I hardly think anybody would come after you." He grins

"Funny." I turn and walk to the counter placing my stuff on it.

"Hey Sam I see you're here for your weekly run."

The weird dude(That's now his name since he has yet to tell me his name) looks at me weird and at the stuff. "Weekly run? What do you take care of wounded soldiers or something?"

I roll my eyes and pay for the bandages. "Bye Sam see you soon." I walk out the store and to my surprise the dude is right there with me.

"Um weren't you going to buy something?"

"I already did." he pulls a bottle of pills out of his pocket with a cocky grin on his face.

"Oh are you proud you stole a bottle of pills that at the most cost 5 dollars."

He shrugs, "It's all about the thrill babe."

"Don't call me babe I don't even know your name."

"Right I'm Sean."

"That wasn't an invite for you to tell me your name." I start to walk home and Sean starts to follow me. "Dude don't you have a life?"

"Yea but you seem more interesting."

"Well you must have a boring life because I'm not in anyway interesting." I start walking in the opposite direction of my apartment the last thing I needed was another stranger knowing where I lived.

"Funny are we?"

"I like to think so but please leave me alone I'm really not in the mood for chit chat."

"Why so feisty?"

"Maybe because a weird dude I don't know keeps following me around."

"Me weird?!" He looks at me in fake shock.

I roll my eyes and think to myself maybe if I ignore him he'll go away but no this dude can hold a conversation with himself.

We've been walking for 10 minutes in circles and I haven't said a word to him. "My sister is an asshole I mean really take my food and my dessert and she doesn't even say sorry! Hey are we walking in circles I swear I saw that building like twice already."

I shake my head and roll my eyes for the 50th time since we started walking "Yea we are walking in circles you know that right." He looks at me in confusion

"Yes I know that I've been trying to get rid of you forever but, you don't know how to take a hint!"

"Why are you so mean to me?" He looks at me with puppy dog eyes.

"Are you trying to be annoying or are you just naturally annoying?"

"I like to think it comes naturally." He smiles at me with childish grin.

"Can you please leave I have something to do."

"Well why can't I come?"

"Because I don't want you to know where I live you weirdo."

"Okay I get that but why keep calling me a weirdo?"

"Because you're weird but I have to go so please dip."

"Right but I'll catch up with you sooner or later." He disappears down the street and I wait for a minute until I start walking home.

I walk into my apartment expecting it to be empty but my mom is sprawled out on the couch like a dead animal. "Mom?!"

She jumps up and looks at me with a smile. "Hey honey sorry I didn't come home last night the group wouldn't let me in because apparently I wasn't in the right state to be there. So I decided to go to the bar and get a little more out of the right state and I passed out on the street and woke up this morning but don't worry honey I'm going to get better soon."

I look at her in disbelief. The words falling out her mouth made no sense to me she said this every time but things only got worst from there. "No mom it's not going to get better soon! You always say this but it never gets better you always lie to me! I'm tired of it mom I'm really tired of your lies!"

"Hey watch who you're talking to I'm still your mother!"

"Well act like it!" I storm down the hall and slam the door behind me. I fall face first on my bed and letting tears run down my face. Why would my dad leave me with her by myself I'm not old enough to deal with this by myself.

I get up and pull out my new safety kit. I grab the largest shard in the box and don't even ease into it, I stab myself as hard as I can in the arm and let out a scream before I can stop myself.

My mom bust through the door and sees the shard in my hand and blood dripping down my arm. "What are you doing Sam?!" She rushes over to me and grabs the shard out of my hand and kicks the box away from me.

"Stop mom!"

"No what are you doing to yourself?!"

"Why should you care all you do is get drunk everyday and make me take care of you!"

"Honey I'm sorry I didn't know you were doing this." He voice is a whimper as she looks at me tears forming in her eyes.

"Don't act like you care now when you really don't"

"I do care I've always cared about you Sam. God I'm so sorry." She pulls me into her arms and I break down crying. "It's going to be okay honey I'm serious this time I promise. You can go to groups and I will too we can work together to get better. We aren't against each other Sam. I'm so sorry baby."

"I'm sorry mom I messed everything up."

"No you didn't honey you never did anything wrong this is all my fault." I feel her tears hitting the side of my face.

"I'm sorry mom." I let out a deep breath and the tears continue rolling down my cheeks.

"It's okay we can go look into some groups tomorrow after school to make sure you like them. You don't have to go to the group classes if you don't want to we can just talk when you need to."

"Okay." I nod my head. As much as I didn't want to go to a group full of people who cut I also knew my mom was right if I didn't go now I might never get better.

Sam Dying RoseWhere stories live. Discover now